User-defined attributes in drawings

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

User-defined attributes in drawings

Many Tekla Structures dialog boxes contain user-defined attributes for various objects. When you define a new user-defined attribute, make the definition of the user-defined attribute unique. This is because a user-defined attribute cannot have different definitions for different object types. In drawings, the user-defined attributes can be used in templates, Document manager, and marks, for example.

The user-defined attributes in the drawing are displayed when you click User-defined attributes in drawing properties.

When you define new user-defined attributes

When you define new user-defined attributes, you need to create your own objects.inp file in the company, project or firm folder. After adding your own user-defined attributes, you need to use the Diagnose and change attribute definitions tool to update the definitions in the model. The object.inp files are merged so that if there are user-defined attributes in any of the files, they are displayed in the user interface. Tekla Structures merges the files in a way that eliminates duplicate attributes. If Tekla Structures encounters the same attribute name in different objects.inp files, the attribute from the first read objects.inp file will be used.

Tekla Structures reads the objects.inp files from the following folders in the following order:

  1. model folder

  2. company folder

  3. project folder

  4. firm folder

  5. system folder

  6. inp folder

Show user-defined attributes in Template Editor

In order to show the new user-defined attribute in Template Editor, you need to add the user-defined attribute in a customized contentattributes_userdefined.lst file and include the name of the customized file in the contentattributes.lst file.

Make a copy of these modified files as the Tekla Structures installation always overwrites these files.

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