2023 SP4: New features and improvements

Tekla Structures
Modified: 15 Jun 2023
Tekla Structures

2023 SP4: New features and improvements

The latest service pack and updated environment installers are available in Tekla Downloads.

New environment - Ukraine

Tekla Structures 2023 SP4 introduces a new environment, Ukraine.

New tooltips on the Tekla Structures start window dialog boxes

Tekla Structures - Setup and Tekla Structures - Start windows now have tooltips. When you rest the mouse pointer on the icon, the related tooltip is shown. The tooltips provide more information about the options on the dialog boxes.


Updated Learn the product section on the Tekla Structures - Start window

On the Tekla Structures - Start window, the Learn the product section has been updated. Now you can find a link to the First steps course, a link to Trimble Learn and to Tekla User Assistance.


Easier floating and attaching of side pane windows

All side pane windows now have a drop down menu with options to float or attach the side pane window. Click the button in the upper right corner of a side pane window and select a suitable option.

The options are Attach to left side, Attach to right side or Attach to bottom, depending on the current side pane window location.


New ways to navigate in Instructor side pane

Instructor side pane window now has new navigation options for easier access of all needed content.

New Home, Back, and Forward buttons have been added at the top of the Instructor side pane window. Clicking the Home button will bring you to the Instructor start page where you can find useful links for further information. Use the Back and Forward buttons to see content on the next or the previous pages.

In addition, the Select language option and the Add help file option have now been moved to the top of the Instructor side pane window.


Easy access to learning resources and support material

Now, in modeling mode and in drawing mode, the top right corner of the screen shows a blue help icon. When you click the icon, a menu opens with links to learning resources and support material.

In addition, Tekla Structures - Setup and Tekla Structures - Start windows now have a name in the title bar as well as a help icon. When you click the help icon or press F1, you are directed to the Tekla User Assistance page with more information.


Drawing propery pane - Possibility to type in user-defined attributes

In the visual editor for annotation objects, you can now add any user-defined attributes in the annotation by typing them in the element search box. This improvement affects all annotation object types that have a visual editor.


Improvement in rebar shape recognition

Rebar shape recognition now also finds arcs from reinforcing bars that have irregular point geometry. Previously, rebar shape recognition only tried to find arc geometry if the bar geometry points were at a regular distance from each other with a regular angle between them.

This improvement is especially helpful when single bars have been created using multiple points in a concrete part with complex geometry or varying cross sections.

Note: Rebar numbering will now use simplified bar geometry if the XS_REBAR_GEOMETRY_IN_NUMBERING advanced option is set to FABRICATION.



Defect number Development area Description
TSAC-6461 Concrete components

Braced girder (88): On the Parts tab, you can now specify the axis direction for the Model work plane position: Model XY, Model YZ, or Model ZX.

TSAC-7410 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): When the anchor was created as a reinforcing bar, the option to add it to the beam did not work, the anchor was always added to the column. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7497 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): The Name property of Dowel defined on the Socket tab can now have a maximum of 62 characters. Previously, the maximum number of characters was 20.

TSAC-7565 Concrete components

Reinforced concrete stairs (95): Previously, in some situations, stair part IDs could change when modifying the component. This caused connections with other components to break. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7567 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): Previously, the neoprene connection sometimes connected the wrong parts. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7605 Concrete components

Embedded anchors (008): On the Picture tab, you can now select Half sphere as the shape of the cutout around the anchors.

TSAC-7620 Concrete components

Automated reinforcement layout - double tee beam (51): The leg length of stem stirrups is now set correctly as defined in the component dialog box.

TSAC-6001 Steel components

Haunch (40): Previously, weld number 4 was created in an incorrect position in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6942 Steel components

Bolted gusset (11), Tube gusset (20), Gusseted cross (62), Bolted gusset (196): Previously, the welds between the stiffeners and the main part were only created to the main part web. This has now been improved. The welds are also created to the main part flanges.

TSAC-7140 Steel components

Full depth (184): Previously, the horizontal bolt edge distance was not applied correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7144 Steel components

Welded to top flange S (149), Full depth S (185), Column with stiffeners (186), Column with stiffeners (188): Previously, notch sizes were not correctly rounded when the secondary part was sloped. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7318 Steel components

Gusset+ T: Previously, the connection was not always created in situations where the secondary part had a fitting at the opposite end. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7380 Steel components

Gusset+ T: Previously, the creation of special bolt holes depended on whether the gusset plate had been set to be above or below the T profile. This issue has now been fixed. Special bolt holes are created as defined on the Bolts tab regardless of the gusset plate position.

TSAC-7612 Steel components

Tube gusset (20): Previously, certain distance values between the main part and the first selected brace could cause the gusset plate to have an incorrect shape. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7614 Steel components

Stub connection (119): Previously, the assembly part numbering prefix and start number were incorrectly set for all parts. This issue has now been fixed. The correct assembly part numbering prefix and start number are now taken from Settings > Options > Components > Part start numbers.

TSAC-7637 Steel components

Wraparound gusset cross (60): Previously, connection plates between the gusset plate and the main or secondary part were placed in an incorrect position in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7641 Steel components

No paint area: Previously, the component was not created in some situations when you tried to create it in the model. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7649 Steel components

U.S. Base plate (1047): Previously, the holes in the cast plate were created incorrectly when the base plate was offset. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7650 Steel components

Joist to beam, type 1 (160): Previously, bearing plate material was not correctly applied. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7656 Steel components

Kingspan Horizontal cladding support column (33): Cleat orientation is now correct when using an L14570 section below an eaves beam.

TSAC-7657 Steel components

Kingspan Horizontal cladding support column (33): Previously, L145V to eaves beam at column had the top cleat facing the wrong direction. This issue has now been fixed. The component has also been limited to standard sheeting lines (181, 211, 241, and 271).

TSAC-7662 Steel components

Clip angle (141), Two sided clip angle (143): Previously, notch sizes were not correctly rounded when the secondary part was sloped. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7665 Steel components

End plate (144), Two sided end plate (142): Previously, notch sizes were not correctly rounded when the secondary part was sloped. This issue has now been fixed. 

TSAC-7669 Steel components

Shear plate simple (146), Welded to top flange (147), Full depth (184): Previously, notch sizes were not correctly rounded when the secondary part was sloped. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7679 Steel components

U.S. Base plate (1047): Previously, when you defined the leveling plate hole diameter, double bolts were created. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7697 Steel components

No paint area: If you modify a successful instance of the No paint area component in a way that would cause an error or that would not create the surface treatment, the previously created surface treatments are now removed as they should. In addition, a warning message is shown on the status bar, as previously. 

TSAC-7699 Steel components

Shear plate to tube column (47): Previously, secondary part notches were not created in all situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7706 Steel components

Stiffened shear plate (17): Previously, the width of the shear tab was not calculated correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51560-2023sp4 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: IFC import plug-in has been updated to version 6.48.

TTSD-57088 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: The roundings for part cuts are now visible when the export type is Steel fabrication view.

TTSD-57508 Import, export, interoperability

Trimble Connector: When you were uploading a model to Trimble Connect, the  upload time shown in Trimble Connector was UTC. This issue has now been fixed, and Trimble Connector shows the local time.

TTSD-57606 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: An invalid solid of a part could cause an application error when certain template properties were inquired. This issue has now fixed.

TPLED-292 Templates and reports

Template Editor: Color overrides did not work when a row rule had IsFirst, IsLast, PreviousValue, NextValue, or CopyField in any of the rows in the template. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7090 Drawings

Rebar pull-out picture and marking: In some cases, the pull-out picture rotation was incorrect. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-47429 Drawings

Drawing content manager: The Drawing content manager performance has been improved significantly, leading to faster loading times, such as for GA drawing content.

TTSD-47896 Drawings

View-specific dimensioning: Shape dimensions was in some cases creating extra incorrect dimension points in drawing update. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-55164 Drawings

Earlier, when you filtered an object away from a drawing view and then disabled the filter, hidden lines did not appear if XS_ENABLE_OVERLAPPING_CUT_LINE_REMOVAL was activated. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-56815 Drawings

Earlier, when you had set XS_USE_EXISTING_SINGLE_PART_DRAWINGS​_​IN_​ASSEMBLY_​DRAWINGS to TRUE, section views created from single part views affected the bill of materials and layout content in assembly drawings. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-57193 Drawings

When rotating drawing templates, an embedded logo or symbol would not rotate together with the rest of the template. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-57210 Drawings

Document manager: Locking a drawing no longer changes the issuing date of the drawing.

TTSD-57409 Drawings

Earlier, when you resized a drawing view so that first a part disappeared and then appeared again, hidden lines disappeared. This issue has now been fixed. 

TTSD-57680 Drawings

Earlier, inquiring the hole type and hole attributes in a drawing might lead to incorrect results in assembly drawings. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-57848 Drawings

When editing a drawing text in the property pane, you can no longer use the Tab key to add horizontal tabulation in the text field. It used to be possible to add horizontal tabulation with the Tab key, but the result in the drawing was incorrect. 

TTSD-57704 Reinforcement

Sometimes a circular reinforcing bar was incorrectly represented by two circular arcs in Rebar shape manager. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-57718 Reinforcement

An issue has been fixed to ensure that the geometry presented to Rebar shape manager for a circular overlapping rebar set bar is planar, instead of spiralling. This issue was preventing shape recognition in Rebar shape manager from identifying the correct shape for the bar.

TTSD-57729 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, circular arcs are now combined for any circular overlapping bars so they can now have an angle of over 360 degrees.

TTSD-56580 Modeling

Surface objects and also rebar sets with leg surfaces now adapt to small tessellation changes in solid geometry. Tessellation might change when opening a model with a newer version of Tekla Structures, or after changing advanced options such as XS_POLYBEAM_CHORD_TOLERANCE.

TTSD-56725 Modeling

Previously, the default cast unit or assembly UDA values were not shown in the property pane. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-57501 Licensing

Now, when you click the Activate trial in browser button, a new dialog box opens. It gives you instructions to activate a license in a browser and then proceed to license selection. If a license is found, the Tekla Structures - Start window is shown. If no license is found, the Tekla Structures - Setup window is shown. If you click X, Tekla Structures closes.

TTSD-57201 Numbering

Rebar sets: Rebar GUIDs are now shown in the numbering history log in case there are overlapping numbering series for rebar sets.

TTSD-20378 User interface

Previously, if you closed Tekla Structures so that some side pane windows were floating and not attached to the right, left or bottom of the screen, and re-opened Tekla Structures, the side pane windows were shown on top of the start screen. This has now been fixed, and the floating side pane windows are shown only after you have selected a model.

TTSD-58021 Common

Earlier in very seldom cases, when you were dragging a floating side pane and while dragging on the Applications & components pane, Tekla Structures stopped responding. This issue has now been fixed.

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