2023 SP5: New features and improvements

Tekla Structures
Modified: 26 Sep 2023
Tekla Structures

2023 SP5: New features and improvements

The latest service pack and updated environment installers are available in Tekla Downloads.

New way to handle empty marks and associative notes in drawings

The way Tekla Structures handles manually added empty marks and associative notes has been improved. To make the functionality more user friendly and quicker to use, Tekla Structures 2023 SP5 introduces a new advanced option, XS_SHOW_EMPTY_MARKS. This user-specific advanced option is located in the Drawing properties category in the Advanced options dialog box.


  • Tekla Structures creates the marks or notes that have no content with the "Content not defined" text and shows the following status bar message:

    "Marks without content have been created. Use XS_SHOW_EMPTY_MARKS to control this."

  • You can then double-click the mark or note and add the content in the property pane.
  • You can also change the advanced option value to FALSE to change the functionality.


  • Tekla Structures creates the marks that have no content and selects these empty marks in the drawing. The following status bar message will be shown when these invisible marks without content have been created:

    "Invisible marks without content have been created – Add elements to mark content and click Modify."

  • If marks of only one mark type without content have been created, the property pane opens immediately indicating in the visual editor that the content is not defined, and you can add the desired content.

  • If marks of two or more mark types without content have been created:
    • Property pane opens, and there is an exclamation mark next to the object type list arrow button indicating that the list contains mark types with empty marks.
    • The property pane keeps all marks with empty content visible in the object type list so that you can select each mark type and add mark content if desired. You can also leave the marks with no content, or delete them.

In Tekla Structures 2023, when you created a mark or an associative note manually, and the content in the properties was not defined for the object type you had selected, a mark or a note with a text element set to "Content not defined" was created, and you could then double-click the mark or note and modify the content and properties in the property pane. In earlier Tekla Structures versions, manually created marks and associative notes that did not have content defined in the properties used to be empty and invisible, and you could not locate them easily.


Improved property panes for creating detail views and section views

When creating detail views, section views, and curved section views, you can now easily define both the mark label properties and the view properties in the Detail mark with view and Section mark with view property panes. These property panes now have separate tabs for controlling the mark label properties and view properties.


Improvements in components

Concrete components

Wall layout

  • You can now select base points on the General tab. The elevation of the selected base point is added to the selected Z0 or Z1 value, and the resulting value defines the position of the wall in the model in the direction of global axis Z.


Steel components

Tower 1 diagonal (87), Tower 2 diagonal (89)

  • You can now define the bolting direction on the Picture tab.

    TSAC-7689, TSAC-7690

Gusseted cross (62), Corner wrapped gusset (63)

  • You can now define the Cut length for the brace bolts and angle bolts.


Shape properties and UDAs in reports

Properties and user-defined attributes of shapes can now be shown in reports. In report templates, use PART rows, and add the PROFILE. or SHAPE. prefix in front of the attribute names. For example, GetValue("PROFILE.Material") or GetValue("SHAPE.Material"). The attribute names can be found in the shape's definition file (.xml).



Defect number Development area Description
TSAC-3937 Concrete components

Wall layout elementation tool now allows the elementation of cast-in-place (non-precast) layers.

TSAC-4275 Concrete components

Wall layout: Previously, there was an issue related to the height of the wall when the current work plane in the model was not parallel with the global work plane. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7324 Concrete components

Embedded anchors (008): On the Input tab, you can now use the new Keep local direction setting to ensure that all anchors placed on opposite faces have the same Y axis always pointing to the main part of the assembly. This setting cannot be used together with the Check top-in-form-face direction setting.

TSAC-7343 Concrete components

Mesh bars: Rebar groups that are separated from other rebar groups (the groups do not have any connection or do not cross each other) are now placed into separate rebar assemblies. 

TSAC-7716 Concrete components

Braced girder (88, 89): Previously, in some situations, side bars were not created because of the small distance between rebar points. Now, the minimum distance is handled based on the defined radius and rebar size.  Additionally, long side bars that are managed through multiple polygons are now connected linearly without any split or gap between them.

TSAC-7725 Concrete components

Border rebar for single edge (93): Previously, edge bars were not created on the inner edges when the creation method Between input points was used. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7805 Concrete components

Tapered I-beam (81): Previously, the width of the top flange was incorrectly applied in the component in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7851 Concrete components

Mesh bars: The orientation of rebar group hooks for single layer reinforcement has been fixed. Rebar hooks are now oriented correctly after splicing.

TSAC-3801 Steel components

Two sided end plate (142): Previously, an incorrect cut was created for the bottom flange notch when the secondary part was a C or U profile. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-4826 Steel components

Ladder (S35): Previously, stringers were incorrectly created as polybeams in some situations. This issue has now been fixed, and the stringers are created as beams.

TSAC-5021 Steel components

Cold rolled overlap (1): Previously, overlap bolts and stay bolts were merged together incorrectly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5047 Steel components

Create hole around part (92): Previously, the hole was not created correctly for asymmetrical profiles. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6044 Steel components

Tube gusset (20): Previously, the gusset was not correctly fitted to the base plate when there was a weld preparation in the main part. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6543 Steel components

Multiple stiffeners (1064): Previously, the options for rotation angle and rotation stiffener polygon were swapped for the left and right stiffener. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6640 Steel components

Column with stiffeners (188): Previously, the weld between the shear tab and the main part was not created in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6647 Steel components

Connection plate (1026): Previously, the bolt assembly option on the Bolts tab did not work correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6845 Steel components

Stairs (S71): Previously, when the bolt tolerance for catalogue steps was left empty, the default tolerance 0.0 was used. This issue has now been fixed, and the correct bolt tolerance is used.

TSAC-7241 Steel components

Two sided clip angle (143): Previously, the vertical cut/offset value for safety connections affected the vertical position of bolts. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7316 Steel components

Two sided end plate (143): Previously, an incorrect number of bolts with incorrect bolt edge distances was created when the safety connection option was used. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7624 Steel components

CMF Standard horizontal cladding support (31), CMF Horizontal cladding support column (33), CMF Non-standard horizontal cladding support (34): Horizontal cladding components have been updated to allow connections to eaves beams.

TSAC-7685 Steel components

BW Cold rolled sleeved (131): The Two Bolts cleat option is again available on the Parameters tab.

TSAC-7708 Steel components

Welded beam to beam (123): Previously, the bottom flange cut was created incorrectly for C and U profiles. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7720 Steel components

Metsec File transfer (26), Metsec Standard rivetedchannel rails (37): The RCR connection has been updated to allow a connection to the eaves beam.

TSAC-7733 Steel components

Tube crossing (22): Previously, the middle end plate was not created when the thickness of the end plate was specified as zero. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7734 Steel components

Twin profile connection plate (1046): Previously, bolts were placed incorrectly in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7741 Steel components

Metsec File transfer (26), Metsec Standard rivetedchannel rails (37): The fixing face position of cleats has now been corrected.

TSAC-7742 Steel components

Shear plate simple (146): Previously, the flange cut was created with a 0.3 mm tolerance from the secondary part web surface. This issue has now been fixed, and there is no tolerance.

TSAC-7749 Steel components

Seating (30): Previously, the component did not work correctly when the secondary part had a plate profile type. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7752 Steel components

Albion File transfer (95): The created CAM output files are now prefixed with the entered CAM name.

TSAC-7753 Steel components

Ayrshire File transfer (92): The created CAM output files are now prefixed with the entered CAM name.

TSAC-7754 Steel components

HiSpan File transfer (100): The created CAM output files are now prefixed with the entered CAM name.

TSAC-7755 Steel components

Kingspan File transfer (18): The created CAM output files are now prefixed with the entered CAM name.

TSAC-7756 Steel components

Kingspan Mezzanine file transfer (18): The created CAM output files are now prefixed with the entered CAM name.

TSAC-7757 Steel components

Metsec File transfer (26): The created CAM output files are now prefixed with the entered CAM name.

TSAC-7758 Steel components

Reid File transfer (92): The created CAM output files are now prefixed with the entered CAM name.

TSAC-7761 Steel components

Kingspan File transfer (18): Exploded DA type tie wires are now flagged in the error log.

TSAC-7766 Steel components

JP Floor beam gusset A (12): Previously, the vertical bolt offset from the top of the secondary beam was not correctly applied in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7772 Steel components

Two sided clip angle (143): Previously, when the component was used on sloped secondary parts, the bolt edge distances were not correct. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7776 Steel components

CMF Side rail supports (28): Wires are now fixed for firewall connections.

TSAC-7789 Steel components

Eaves haunch (102): Previously, the component was not created correctly when the secondary part was shorter than 3 meters. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7790 Steel components

Stiffened shear plate (17): Previously, the distance between the stiffener and the secondary part was not correct. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7798 Steel components

Stub connection (119): Previously, the connection was not created correctly if the secondary part was sloped or skewed with a very small angle. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7799 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27): Previously, the welds between the end plate and the secondary part were created in an incorrect place in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7801 Steel components

Clip angle (141): Previously, the weld gap option on the Parts tab worked only when both clip angles were created. This issue has now been fixed. The weld gap also works for a single clip angle.

TSAC-7803 Steel components

Railings (S77): Previously, the part properties of bends created at the end stanchions were not correctly applied. Now the properties are applied as defined on the Bends tab > 90 degree bend option. If the properties are left empty, the default values from the Top rail properties are used.

TSAC-7842 Steel components

CMF Eaves brace (54): The standard hole size for the CMF system has been increased from 14 mm to 18 mm (12 mm bolts to 16 mm bolts). CMF Eaves brace (54) has been updated accordingly.

TSAC-7859 Steel components

Tube gusset (20): Previously, the gusset plate cut in the main part was not created correctly in some situations. This issue has now been fixed. 

TSAC-7865 Steel components

Albion File transfer (95): Previously, components with more add parts (end cleats) than expected did not allow the CAM to complete. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7866 Steel components

CMF Side rail support profile for the 233 deep section and greater has been updated. Any modification to the component or any new component that is created will use the new profile. Profile database updates may be required.

TSAC-7879 Steel components

Metsec Side rail supports (28): Assembly mark has been added for diagonal tie wires.

TSAC-7887 Steel components

Handrail 1 (74): Previously, the cover plate and end plate material and name were not correctly applied in the component. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-43067 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: When transferring design intent reinforcement from Tekla Structural Designer, in beams the longitudinal bar end offset was not correct in some cases. This resulted in a gap in the beam top bars. This issue has been fixed now. Also the Tekla Structural Designer beam name references with their respective Tekla Structures identifier are now shown in the import progress log for the beams with change in direction.

TTSD-43489 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: In the start and end zones of walls, the rebar end offset positions were incorrect. Walls with more than one panel were using the longitudinal rebar spacing positions from the first panel (which might differ from the second panel etc.). These issues have now been fixed.

TTSD-45168 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: When importing models from Tekla Structural Designer, you can use the previously implemented property mapping file to control part names, but where those do not apply, the part names for pile caps, piles, and portal rafters will default to "PILE_CAP", "PILE", and "RAFTER" respectively.

TTSD-53082 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Issues have been fixed in beam rebar import. Also issues related to rebar end offsets and with end hooks and cranks have been fixed.

TTSD-55587 Import, export, interoperability

Drawing DWG export now works better when exporting general arrangement drawings with elevation.

TTSD-56003 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: If non-vertical walls are found in import, a warning message along with the Tekla Structural Designer wall reference (wall name and panel index) is shown in the process log. The message lists the walls that are imported as vertical panels with incorrect rebar data.

TTSD-56239 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: The major offset alignment for beam profile import has been corrected. Import alignments have been corrected for beam and column single and double angled sections for both .cxl and .tsmd file import.

TTSD-57624 Import, export, interoperability

Trimble Connect: Support for the new Trimble Connect Australia region has been added as an option to select from the Project Server Location list in the Trimble Connect - Select project dialog box.

Project server location australia
TTSD-57851 Import, export, interoperability

Drawing DWG export: The drawing DWG export now handles better the files that have been added in the drawing layout.

TTSD-57954 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Although effectively the same, in some cases the part position settings in Tekla Structures might change, for example, Rotation from Back -45 to Top 45. For re-imported sections at 45 degree angles (45, 135, 225, or 315), the next and previous octant position settings are now checked and compared against the existing Tekla Structures part position. The import comparison now uses the Tekla Structures preferred position settings to avoid changed positions being reported.

TTSD-58009 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Custom properties giving negative integer or double values could not be exported to IFC4. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58066 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: In the IFC2x3 export, if XS_USE_INTEGRATED_BUILDING_HIERARCHIES is set to TRUE, grid assignment to building is now aligned with other model entities so that there are no duplicate building entries in the output.

TTSD-58225 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: The export of rebar assemblies was sometimes unsuccessful if you had selected to export Bolts or Welds on the Advanced tab in the export dialog box. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58610 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Corrections have been made to the calculation of supported beam center point, used to position the pile cap or pad footing, for example.

TTSD-58733 Import, export, interoperability

Export to Tekla Structural Designer: Members with position plane or depth offsets (or both) and unequal end offsets are now correctly exported and positioned in Tekla Structural Designer. Tekla Structures position offsets and end offsets are converted to resultant global member offsets in Tekla Structural Designer.

TTSD-58926 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Tekla Structural Designer members with alignment offset and unequal global end offsets are now correctly positioned on import into Tekla Structures. Tekla Structural Designer offsets are converted to resultant global end offsets when importing to Tekla Structures.

TTSD-58938 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Previously, a possible model corruption that was not fixed by diagnosing and repairing the model could cause Tekla Structures to stop working while exporting to the IFC2&3 format. The issue has now been fixed. Tekla Structures does not stop working anymore.

TSAC-7499 Drawings

Rebar pull-out picture and marking: You can now add custom properties in the marks.

TSAC-7710 Drawings

The rebar group dimensioning speed has been improved if parts contain openings (cuts). This speeds up the drawing opening time when the drawing contains a large number of Rebar group dimensioning components.

TSAC-7883 Drawings

Previously, in some rare cases, hole dimensioning could cause Tekla Structures to stop working. This issue has now been fixed. Also, the speed of hole and recess dimensioning has been improved.

TTSD-48075 Drawings

Previously, some bolt marks were automatically merged when they should not have been merged. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51080 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: The Creation review dialog box now finds settings in all subfolders under the XS_FIRM and XS_PROJECT folders.

TTSD-52143 Drawings

Cloning: The cloning of the dimension marks now works more reliably.

TTSD-53249 Drawings

In drawing view properties, dimensioning properties were showing attribute files from the subfolders of XS_FIRM, however these were not always read. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-53682 Drawings

Merged marks: Merged marks in drawings now split more reliably when necessary.

TTSD-54363, TTSD-53883, TTSD-51172, TTSD-58608 Drawings

Model weld marks in drawings: Earlier, weld marks disappeared when you added weld marks in another view, created detail or section views, or modified drawing view properties. Now the weld marks work correctly.

TTSD-54767 Drawings

Drawing shapes: The contextual toolbar now shows the bulge for the shape objects in drawings properly.

TTSD-55712 Drawings

Recreating a drawing in the drawing properties dialog box now works correctly.

TTSD-56055 Drawings

FOG rendering: When using the FOG rendering engine for rendering, the model view got frozen when you switched to the model view from a drawing view. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-56397 Drawings

Previously, when creating a drawing with the Auto setting that lets Tekla Structures determine if a view should be created, it was possible in some situations that the correct view attributes were not used. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-57042 Drawings

Previously, there was an application error when removing the outer frame of a mark in the property pane. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-57203 Drawings

Text properties: The Rotation setting was not available for text objects in some environments. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58078 Drawings

Merged rebar marks: Merged rebar marks in drawings were losing loaded standard settings (standard.mrm) and default settings on every selection. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58170 Drawings

Surface treatment: Earlier, when you selected an existing surface treatment and loaded surface treatment properties with the same surface pattern, not all properties were shown correctly in the property pane. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58234 Drawings

Sometimes Tekla Structures stopped responding when you opened a drawing after cloning. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58537 Drawings

Previously, Tekla Structures could in some rare situations stop working when defining associative notes in the property pane. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58780 Drawings

Previously, Save as was not working properly in Drawing layout editor. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58798 Drawings

Model welds marks in drawings: Earlier, when you created a drawing and used the Weld marks visible: In one view option, the weld marks for inclined welds were not always created. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59062 Drawings

The Creation view dialog box for fabrication drawings now works more reliably when selecting cloning templates from another model. 

TTSD-59151 Drawings

Earlier, when recreating a drawing, in certain situations neighbor part dimensions were not created. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7202 Reinforcement

Reinforcement meshes: You can now use the new CUSTOM.MESH_LONGITUDINAL_NET and CUSTOM.MESH_CROSS_NET attributes to show the mesh size and the length of longitudinal and cross bars separately.

TSAC-7729 Reinforcement

Rebar shape manager: In some cases, circular bars were not visualized correctly in Rebar shape manager. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-55009 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Property pane editor now works more reliably with rebar sets and modifiers.

TTSD-56623 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: The calculation of hooks on curved rebar set bars has been made much more accurate. The improvement is most noticeable with longer length hooks.

TTSD-58079 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: The calculation of circular rebar set bars with some overlap and a hook was incorrectly removing most of the bar geometry, and just leaving the overlapping part. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7698 Modeling

No paint area: The Color list on the Surfacing attributes tab now shows the colors in addition to listing them as text. Also, the empty spaces that were added in front of and after the surface treatment name and material are now removed when leaving the Name and Material boxes.

TSAC-7783 Modeling

No paint area: The standard attribute file for the default and common environments has been updated.

TTSD-56740 Modeling

Clash check was not working properly when imperial units were used. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58101 Modeling

Now, when you select an object, property pane updates immediately whether it is open or not. 

If you want to revert to the old functionality, set the advanced option XS_IMMEDIATE_PROPERTY_PANE_UPDATE to FALSE.

TTSD-58194 Modeling

Property pane now includes Temperature and Density properties.

SOLD-2023 Licensing

Previously, if the user was signed in to Tekla Structures when they installed Windows updates, Tekla Structures showed that no licenses were available after the computer was restarted. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-57212 Tools and components

Previously, Tekla Warehouse Installer did not warn and prompt you if you were installing a .uel component file with a name that was already used in the Applications and components catalog. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-57457 Tools and components

The Swap handles macro now works with inclined parts.

TTSD-57945 Tools and components

Previously, when you selected a custom component, direct modification highlighted the objects in wireframe in front, and eventually selected a rendered object behind the highlighted object. This has now been fixed, and the rendered object is highlighted and selected even if it is behind a wireframe object.

TTSD-58300 Tools and components

Multi Report Generator: You can now define an input list (MultiReportGenerator.inp) which will be searched according to the regular file search order.

TTSD-48946 User interface

Property pane is now more robust in the UDA handling.

TTSD-57996 User interface

The title bar controls in side pane windows, such as Close, now show highlight when you place mouse on top of the control to indicate whether it is clickable.

TTSD-59051 User interface

Tekla Online side pane: The Tekla Online side pane shows the Online content could not be loaded message when you are offline.

TTSD-58328 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

DSTV/NC: Earlier, Tekla Structures stopped responding when you exported objects to DSTV if one of the part names contained a percent sign (%). This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58674 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

DSTV/NC: Sometimes when the DSTV export contained some specific parametric profiles, some of the BO blocks were missing. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-57810 Common

Contact support: Scrolling now works properly in the Contact support dialog box fields.

TTSD-58122 Common

Keyboard shortcuts: You could not change drawing related keyboard shortcuts in modeling mode in File > Settings > Keyboard shortcuts. This issue has now been fixed.

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