Uninstall Tekla Structures

Tekla Structures
Modifierad: 14 nov 2024
Tekla Structures

Uninstall Tekla Structures

When you no longer need a version of Tekla Structures or its related components, you can uninstall it to save space on the computer.


You can have many Tekla Structures versions on your computer. It is not necessary to uninstall old Tekla Structures versions when you install a new Tekla Structures version.

Before you uninstall, make sure that you release any subscription licenses that are reserved when you exit Tekla Structures.

Uninstall Tekla Structures

You can optionally uninstall Tekla Structures versions that you no longer use to save space on the computer.

You can also uninstall Tekla Structures environments separately from the main Tekla Structures app.

  1. Go to the Windows Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
  2. Select a component, click Uninstall and follow the prompts. Follow this order:
    1. Uninstall the Tekla Structures environments.
    2. Uninstall the main Tekla Structures app.
    3. If installed, uninstall the offline help package.
    4. If needed, delete the additional files or extensions related to Tekla Structures manually from the installation folders.
  3. If you no longer want to run any version of Tekla Structures on the computer, uninstall the Tekla Warehouse service and content components.
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