Steel beam design - enhanced camber settings and new review view attribute

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Steel beam design - enhanced camber settings and new review view attribute

Previous Tekla Structural Designer releases have featured the option to apply Camber to steel beams - both composite and non-composite - including automatic camber calculation and application based on a number of criteria. For more about this see the Composite Beam deflections including camber TUA article. Following customer feedback, the settings and processes for camber have been thoroughly reviewed and enhanced to give increased flexibility and make the workflow more intuitive. This was first introduced in release 2021 SP1.

In addition the Review View > Show Alter state is enhanced with a new dedicated attribute for Camber, enabling rapid and efficient graphical review and control of its settings and values. Camber values are also now included in the beam design summary tables and associated report items. These enhancements apply to all regional codes that feature steel and steel composite beam design.

Camber Settings Enhancements

As in previous releases, camber can either be off, or applied as one of three options; Value (an absolute dimension), Proportion of span (automatically calculated and applied as a proportion of the span length) or Proportion of deflection (automatically calculated and applied as a proportion of deflection resulting from the applied loads).

The principal enhancements and changes to operation are:

  • Apply camber: Proportion of deflection - this option is renamed from “Proportion of dead load deflection” since it also has the option to include a proportion of Live/ Imposed loads. The following additional changes are made:

    • The previous “Dead load” setting - with options of “Slab only” and “All dead” - is removed.

    • In its place, there are now separate settings for the proportion of self-weight deflection (which includes the self weight of the slab + the steel beam section) and Dead deflection (applies to other dead loadcases, which are assumed to be applied post-composite action)*.

      • *Note that, similar to previous behavior, both these options are automatically disabled and set = 100% when the proportion of Imposed deflection is set to be greater than > 0% (this being the default value). The rationale for this behavior is that all the dead loads will have already been applied by the time the imposed loads are.

    • These changes improve the clarity and simplicity of defining what factors affect the camber calculation and how. They also improve flexibility in enabling different percentages to be set for selfweight and applied dead load

  • Maximum allowable camber - a new criteria that applies to all of the camber application options; Value, Proportion of span, Proportion of deflection. Key aspects of this option are:

    • It allows the user to pre-set the maximum amount of camber that is allowed for the member.

    • For a camber value above this limit there will be an explanatory warning in the beam check results.

    • The auto-design process will look for sections in the design list that fulfill this limit.

  • Do not apply if beam length is < - a new criteria that applies to all of the camber application options; Value, Proportion of span, Proportion of deflection. Key aspects of this option are:

    • Allows the user to define the minimum beam length for camber to be applied.

    • Camber is not applied to beams of length equal or below this limit.

  • Do not apply if web thickness < - a new criteria that applies to all types of the camber application options; Value, Proportion of span, Proportion of deflection. Key aspects of this option are:

    • Allows the user to define the minimum section web thickness that camber should be applied for.

    • For camber values at or below this limit there will be an explanatory warning in the beam check results.

    • The auto-design process will only consider sections in the design order list that comply with this limit.

  • Do not apply if required camber is < - the operation of this option is essentially unchanged, however the condition for application of the limit is amended to less than ( < ) the limiting value rather than less than or equal to ( <= ) as previously . Thus for example, with the limit set = 20mm, a calculated camber of 20mm would be applied where previously it was not.

    • For existing models the original limit value is therefore automatically increased accordingly to match the previous behavior as closely as possible*. The value of the increase is the same as the “to nearest” value for regional codes that default to metric units and half this value for those that default to US-customary units.

      • *Despite this adjustment, it is still possible that due to this change of condition, camber may not be applied in this release in some cases where it was previously. Thus we recommend that the camber settings and results are carefully reviewed in this release - this process should now be much simplified by the addition of the new review view attribute for camber.

Review View > Show/Alter State - Camber

A new dedicated Review View “Camber” attribute is added to those for Show/Alter state, enabling quick and easy review and editing of all the camber settings. As shown in the picture below, this is selected at the top of the Properties Window when Show/ Alter state is activated on the Review Ribbon and has the following Modes; Review, Set On, Set Off, Toggle and Copy.
  • Review Mode - this displays a color coded view and associated legend showing the distribution of the different camber settings; Value, Proportion of span, Proportion of deflection and Off.

  • Set On Mode - with this mode selected you then select the “Apply as”option from the following; Value, Proportion of span, Proportion of deflection.

    • You can then input your desired settings/ values in the properties window and apply these graphically to beams in the model using mouse operations . The color coding and legend indicate which beams have; the current settings applied, Camber off or Other settings. These will update automatically following changes to the current properties. For beams with “Other details”, the cursor tooltip displays all their current settings when selected by moving the cursor over them, as shown in the picture below

  • Set Off Mode - turns camber fully off for selected beam(s):

    • Members in view are color coded by camber status (On / Off).

    • Member tooltip includes the full set of camber properties currently applied.

    • The tooltip of members with camber applied includes the camber calculation method.

  • Toggle Mode - sets camber on or off for selected beam(s) depending on their current state:

    • Members in view are color coded by camber status (On / Off).

    • If the member being turned on has had camber properties previously defined, these will be persisted, otherwise the defaults are used.

    • The tooltip of members with camber applied includes the camber calculation method.

  • Copy Mode - using this you can copy all the camber settings from one beam to one or multiple other beams.

    • To use this you first click the Source beam as indicated in the picture below - other beams in the view are then automatically color coded to indicate which are the same as the source and which are valid target beams to which the source beam properties can be copied. You can then use mouse operations to select the target beam(s).

Review View > Tabular Data, Reports and Drawings

A new column giving the applied camber value for each beam is also added to the Tabular data > Design summary table for steel/ composite beams and the associated report items.

Although not new for this release, note that the camber value is also automatically included in drawings as illustrated in the picture below showing a General Arrangement Drawing - the camber value is included in the Steel Beam Attributes text in this manner for example “C=1.00”.

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