Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only)

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only)

You can adjust Library Access System settings according to your needs. For more detailed information on Library Access System settings, see the following paragraphs.


The following only applies to Tedds for Word.

Environment > General settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced mode
Remember open sets None When selected, Library Access System opens the sets that you leave open the next time you start Library Access System.
Enable drag and drop When selected, allows you to drag items from Library Access System and drop them into your documents. When selected:
  • Allows you to drag items from Library Access System and drop them into your documents.

  • Allows you to use drag and drop when you create new sets, or modify existing ones.

Enable inplace editing of item names None When selected, allows you to rename a user library or a user set by double-clicking its name.
Confirm how to add solution and example items

When selected, adding a solution item () or an example item () displays the Insert Calc Item dialog box.

  • New document

    Inserts the item into a new Tedds for Word document.

  • Append to active document

    Inserts the item at the end of the current Tedds for Word document.

  • Insert in active document

    Inserts the item in the current Tedds for Word document at the position of the insertion point.

  • Add new Calc Section

    Adds a new calc section where Tedds for Word inserts the item.

  • Insert page break

    Adds a page break into your Tedds for Word document immediately before the new calc section.

Add items in a new paragraph When selected, Tedds for Word inserts a paragraph break before and after an item that it copies into your calculation sheet.
Confirm selection in Word None When selected, Tedds for Word asks you to confirm that you have highlighted the correct part of your document when you are adding items into a library.
Remove field results in Word before saving item contents None

When selected, adding your own calculations to a library clears any calculation results. Instead, Tedds for Word only displays the format settings.

Select format and category of item contents None When selected, adding your own calculations to a library displays the Paste special dialog box. In the dialog box, you can select which format you want to paste the text in.
Update item version from calc set version When selected, Tedds for Word updates the version of an item to the same version as the calculation set that it belongs to.
Environment > Messages settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced mode

Delete item from set

None When selected, Tedds for Word asks you to confirm that you want to delete the item from the set.

Delete item from library

None When selected, Tedds for Word asks you to confirm that you want to delete an item from the library.
Environment > View settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced mode

Allows you to change the font used in the names of the groups, items in your sets, or indexes.

Note: If you select a font that does not contain all the characters that a particular set / index uses, any characters that are not in the font are displayed as hollow boxes.
Information Tips

Allows you to select whether you want to see tips for the icons used for calculation items, or further information for a particular item.

Tedds for Word displays information tips when you hover the mouse pointer over an icon or an item name.

The setting also allows you to select the item tips that you want to see.


Allows you to select colors for a specific elements in the Library Access System window.

The elements are text, background, highlight text, and highlight. The button on the right of each element allows you to change the color.

Setup > Calc index settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced mode
Index directories

Displays a list of existing indexes.

When you click an entry in the Index directories list, the dialog box displays its name, directory, and priority.

Name Displays the name of the selected index directory.
Directory Displays the path of the directory that contains the sets to be indexed.

Allows you to select the order in which items appear in the list of indexes.

For instance, an item whose priority is 1 is higher in the list of indexes than an item whose priority is 3.

Merge all files in directory into a single set

When selected, Library Access System creates a single list of all the sets in the directory, showing the root item in each set.

Setup > Calculation libraries settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced mode
User library directory

The directory where Tedds for Word saves your user libraries.

To change the location of user libraries, type the new directory in the field, or click Browse....

System library directory

The location of the system libraries, that was set when Tedds for Word was installed.

To change the location of system libraries, see Change the location of the System libraries directory.

Setup > Calc sets settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced mode
User set directory

The directory where Tedds for Word saves your user sets.

To change the directory, type the new directory in the field, or click Browse... .

System set directory

The location of the system libraries, which was set when Tedds for Word was installed.

To change the directory, hold down Ctrl key and right-click the dialog box twice. Then, type the new directory in the field, or click Browse....

Setup > Update service settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced mode
Enable update service When selected, Library Access System automatically searches new updates to its libraries.
Check for updates when starting Tedds When selected, Library Access System searches new updates to the libraries each time you start Tedds or Tedds for Word.
Only check once each day When selected, Library Access System searches new updates once each day when you start Tedds or Tedds for Word.
Check for non critical updates every [N] days Allows you to set the frequency with which Library Access System searches non critical updates to its libraries.