Define dimensioning

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Define dimensioning

Dimensions are associative annotation objects that represent building object measurements. Dimensions are more than lines or vectors; they are interactive callouts of geometry. In automatic dimensioning Tekla Structures creates dimensions in the whole drawing or in drawing views based on dimensioning settings you define before creating the drawing.

In single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings automatic dimensions are set view by view.

In general arrangement drawings, automatic dimensions are set for the whole drawing.

You can define automatic dimensions settings before you create a drawing and you can also modify the settings after you have created the drawing.

To Click the links below to find out more
Create automatic dimensions in single-part, assembly or cast unit views What are automatic view-level dimensions

Add automatic view-level dimensions

Check the settings affecting dimension creation, and have a look at some examples Dimensioning rule properties
Create a filter that is needed in view-level dimensioning for selecting the objects that you want to dimension Create a drawing view filter for view-level dimensioning
See examples of different combinations of dimensioning types and settings

Various scenarios of using different dimensioning types

Use the traditional way of dimensioning in the Dimensioning dialog box by using the dimensioning type Integrated Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
Create dual dimension tags automatically in all types of drawings Add automatic dual dimensions
Control the dimensions that Tekla Structures adds for unfolded parts Add dimensions to unfolded parts
Create minimum and maximum position dimensions for bolts Add minimum and maximum position dimensions to bolts
Add extensions to dimension lines Create dimension line extensions
Adjust extension line settings Set the dimension extension line length
Adjust absolute dimensions Change the appearance of absolute dimensions
Exaggerate narrow dimensions to make them easier to read Create exaggerated dimensions
Use another prefix in radial dimensions Change the prefix in radial dimensions
Dimension plates using advanced options Add dimensions to plates
Adjust profile dimensioning using dimension planes table Add dimensions to profiles
See examples of sloped dimension texts Sloped dimension texts
Add automatic dimensions in general arrangement drawings Add automatic dimensions to general arrangement drawings
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