2022 SP2:新增功能和改进

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2022 SP2:新增功能和改进

Tekla Downloads 中提供了最新的 Tekla Structures Service Pack 和更新的环境安装程序。


  • 在检查最小距离时,碰撞校核管理器现在使用在文件 > 设置 > 选项 > 单位和精度中设置的 Tekla Structures 单位。以前单位只使用毫米。


  • 您现在可以使用负值作为碰撞校核的最小距离。最小距离可以使用的最大负值为 -500.0 mm。通过使用负的最小距离,您可以定义允许的最大重叠量而不报告碰撞。


  • 现在支持参考模型和组件之间的碰撞校核。要校核碰撞,请在碰撞校核管理器中选择新的参考模型和组件之间设置。当您选择了整个组件并选择了新设置时,组件零件将包含在碰撞校核中。如果您未选择参考模型和组件之间设置,组件将不包括在碰撞校核中。



  • 点云碰撞校核现在还校核组件内部的零件。





现在,当 Tekla Structures 在钢筋设置中搜索钢筋的父级零件时,会考虑更多条件,例如:

  • 浇筑体类型、体积和混凝土零件的底面

  • 钢筋在混凝土零件内的方向、位置和相对长度

  • 钢筋设置中的钢筋数量


IFC4 输出中现场浇筑对象的新设置

IFC4 输出对话框包含一个新的现场浇筑输出下拉菜单,它允许您更精确地选择要包含在现场浇筑输出中的对象。选项包括浇筑体或浇筑对象CIP 浇筑体或零件。这个新设置取代了之前的浇筑复选框。



您现在可以使用刷新按钮 ,刷新您在参考模型列表中选择的参考模型。







您现在可以通过从 Windows 资源管理器中拖动点云文件来一次插入多个点云。


在 FOG 渲染中更快地渲染文本

现在,绘制 FOG 渲染时的文本渲染速度更快。




以前,在使用不同的用户界面语言时,无法正确加载包含标记内容文本(<< Mark >>)的图纸标记设置文件。此问题现已修复,以一种语言保存的标记也可以使用其他任何用户界面语言加载。此修复适用于所有零件标记、视图标签标记、尺寸标记和标签以及钢筋尺寸标记。






以前,XS_DRAW_BOLTS_PERPENDICULAR_TO_PART_IN_SINGLE_DRAWINGS 高级选项仅适用于零件图。现在,它还影响螺栓在多件图所包含的零件图中以及构件图的零件视图中的显示方式。


输出 ELiPLAN 文件 (68):输出附属材料

您现在可以在数据设置选项卡上,使用新的包括附属材料设置来输出混凝土材料的附属材料。在数据转换文件中,附属材料包含一个名为 #SUBMATERIAL 的新部分。

有关输出附属材料的更多信息,请参见 ELiPLAN 中“在 ELiPLAN 输出中处理附属材料”一节。


输出 Unitechnik (79):输出钢丝网

钢筋选项卡上,将钢丝网输出为选项已转为托板重命名为已转为托板(X 轴上最长的筋),添加了新的已转为托板(X 轴上弯曲的筋)选项,用于输出旋转到托板平面的钢丝网,并且弯曲筋平行于托板的 X 轴。



缺陷数 开发领域 描述
TSAC-1350 Concrete components

Wall layout opening has been improved so that only when you explicitly set the main part layer, then this layer is used as the input part to the Sandwich wall window component.

TSAC-4452 Concrete components

Geometry detailing strip: Closed polygon shapes now work correctly. Previously, placing the shape entirely or partially at the part edge did not work correctly when you selected a geometry for the shape.

TSAC-4516 Concrete components

Formwork placing tools - Walls: Previously, the custom clamp array did not work with imperial units. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-4651 Concrete components

Geometry detailing strip: Previously, Geometry detailing strip detected faces without taking the cut part into consideration. As a result, when a cut part of the geometry detailing strip clashed with another cut part of a geometry detailing strip, the instance created last was not fully created. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5945 Concrete components

Geometry detailing strip: The cast unit type and the pour phase of an added part now match those of the main part.

TSAC-5952 Concrete components

Wall layout: Openings are now created in the extended wall area that was created by defining an offset. 

TSAC-5968 Concrete components

Automatic splicing tool can now check reinforcing bar length in cast units and rebar assemblies. Previously, when you clicked Selected next to Perform check to, each bar had to be selected. Now you can select cast units and rebar assemblies, and all reinforcement within them will be checked.

TSAC-6000 Concrete components

Reinforced concrete stair (95): The Name attribute for middle meshes is now applied properly. Also, the numbering and bending radius for additional bars on the Bar C, D, E, G, and K tabs are now applied properly.

TSAC-6005 Concrete components

Automatic splicing tool: If the original reinforcing bars belonged to a rebar assembly, Automatic splicing tool now adds the newly split bars to the same rebar assembly.

TSAC-6410 Concrete components

Floor layout: Previously, UDAs with value type float were not converted correctly when the decimal separator in the Windows region settings was set to comma and then changed. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6419 Concrete components

Sandwich and double wall: The issues in the cast unit hierarchy of the outer shell have now been fixed.

TSAC-6428 Concrete components

Floor layout: Minimum end angle now works correctly. Previously, slabs that had skewed ends with less than ~2.5 degrees were not properly straightened or cut. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6457 Concrete components

Floor layout: Property strips were occasionally created far away from the picked points. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6458 Concrete components

Floor layout: Previously, floor layout property strips did not work if they were so short that they were completely inside one slab and Hit slab only was selected in Effect in layout. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6496 Concrete components

The mesh properties CUSTOM.MESH_WIDTH_NET and MESH_LENGTH_NET did not work correctly with meshes that were created as bend meshes but were flat (i.e. had only one leg).

TSAC-2960 Steel components

Previously, the Cladding Joint Rail (ClJR) profile was defined incorrectly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5650 Steel components

Railings (S77): Previously, the bottom horizontal rail was incorrectly fitted in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5978 Steel components

Tube gusset (20): Previously, when you created the component on different planes by using the same settings, the gusset plate geometry could be different in the created components. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6114 Steel components

Partial stiffened end plate (65): Previously, front plate edge distances from the main part did not work correctly when connecting a beam to a column. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6119 Steel components

Tapered column-beam stub (150): Previously, ratholes were created with an incorrect shape. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6187 Steel components

Column with stiffeners W (182): Previously, welds between the stiffeners and tab plate were missing when the secondary part was skewed. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6239 Steel components

Column splice (132): Previously, incorrect parts were selected as the bolted parts in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6332 Steel components

Two sided angle cleat (25), Clip angle (141), Two sided clip angle (143): You can now define the bolting direction of the individual bolt groups.

TSAC-6367 Steel components

Bracing cross (19): Previously, bolts were incorrectly placed when the main part was a bent plate. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6451 Steel components

CMF Anti-sag system (53): Previously, it was possible to select members outside of the bay, which caused holes to be placed outside of the members. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6460 Steel components

End plate (144): Previously, slotted holes in shim plates were incorrectly placed. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6470 Steel components

Column with stiffeners W (182): Previously, secondary part web and flange weld preparations were not created. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6482 Steel components

Two sided end plate (34): Previously, the horizontal bolt group offset was incorrectly applied for one of the secondary parts. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6483 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27): Previously, shear tab chamfers were also applied for the stiffener. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6499 Steel components

Clip angle (141): Previously, the Same bolt length for all bolts option on the Bolts tab was not working correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6517 Steel components

Circular base plate (1052): Previously, when you used a custom component for anchor bolts, the custom component was created at a skewed angle to the base plate. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6522 Steel components

Column - 2 beam (14): Previously, when the secondary beams were skewed away from the main part, the main part was incorrectly fitted and cut. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6534 Steel components

Bolted gusset (11): Previously, when the gusset plate was created as a rectangular plate, multiple welds were created in the same location. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6538 Steel components

Two sided end plate (34): Previously, the bolting direction option did not work at all. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6559 Steel components

2L Splice (63): Previously, the default values of weld sizes were not applied correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6582 Steel components

Column with stiffeners S (187): Previously, the vertical distance between the first and last bolt and the edge of the plate was not correct when the secondary part was sloped. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6583 Steel components

Shear plate full depth (37): Previously, in some situations an unwanted top haunch plate was created. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6596 Steel components

Two sided end plate (142): Previously, safety connections were not created correctly for type C or U secondary beams. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-24407 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: The surface object coloring by object class now works.

TTSD-39674 Import, export, interoperability

Overlay models: The overlay model inquire dialog box has been improved. For example, the model name is now displayed.

TTSD-4446 Import, export, interoperability

Inquire reference objects: The reference object inquire dialog box has been improved: the material type now works, and the assembly description has been removed because it was not needed.

TTSD-49326 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Following the rebar set spacing renewal in Tekla Structures 2022, the way reinforcement spacing has been transferred from Tekla Structural Designer has been updated.
Now spacing is set for the main rebar set guideline, and if the transferred design intent reinforcement has more than one spacing zone, the start and end zones will be analyzed, and it will be determined whether the zones have different properties and/or spacings. If so, one or two rebar set property modifiers are added to set the correct target spacing and size. The handling of empty zone situations has also been improved.

TTSD-49327 Import, export, interoperability

In previous versions, it was not possible to create property sets belonging to rebar objects inside rebar assemblies that would report hierarchical properties of those rebar objects, for example, the name of the cast unit which contained the rebar assembly of the exported rebar. So for example, for rebar objects inside rebar assemblies, it was not possible to create a property set which would report "REBAR_ASSEMBLY.CAST_UNIT.CAST_UNIT_NAME". This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-49902, TTSD-50388 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: In Tekla Structural Designer models, reinforcement links and stirrups designed for walls and columns can optionally be continued into the foundations. Previously the continuation bars were included in rebar sets for the column or wall during the transfer to Tekla Structures. Now the foundation bars are transferred in separate rebar sets. This will improve rebar detailing and drawing creation in Tekla Structures.

TTSD-50139 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: STP files were not displayed correctly in 3D model views, there were problems with the transparency. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-50296 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: Previously, the solids visualization was sometimes incorrect for the STEP/IGES reference model files. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-50408 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: Reference object layers are now available in the inquire dialog box and change management properties.

TTSD-50779, TTSD-51250 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: When using the US Imperial environment and importing reinforcement to Tekla Structures, the default Minimum bar length has been set as 12". This is currently showing the invalid import (red faces) as per the rebar settings, and the workaround is to set a minimum appropriate bar length, for example 0", and import the model again.

TTSD-50848 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Earlier, the list of attributes in additional property sets was sometimes empty. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-50955 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Reinforcement was not transferred from Tekla Structural Designer when the relevant beams, columns, walls, and slabs were originally created in the Tekla Structures model. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51210 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Additional property sets created by the user are now exported for rebar sets.

TTSD-51245 Import, export, interoperability

Point clouds: In some cases, point clouds were rendered incorrectly with an offset. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51251 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: When transferring design intent reinforcement to Tekla Structures, the number of longitudinal bars was wrong for some walls using end zones. In those situations, the number of rows in the mid-zones was incorrect and links would not properly wrap around longitudinal bars. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51366 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: When transferring design intent reinforcement to Tekla Structures, reinforcement in some beam ends was not valid and faces turned red indicating that. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51553 Import, export, interoperability

IFC property sets: Sometimes an exception occurred when properties in a property set were selected in the Property Set Definitions dialog box. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-8325 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: Reference model report property GUID now returns the reference object GUID the same way as EXTERNAL.GUID does.

TPLED-234 Templates and reports

Template Editor: Floating point number rounding produced incorrect values due to the number representation in system memory according to IEEE Standard 754. Some values were rounded towards 0, for example, 2.5 was represented in memory as 2.4(9) and it was rounded to 2, not 3. This issue has now been fixed.

TPLED-241 Templates and reports

Template Editor: When a sub-row was filtered out with a rule, the top-level row rule with a CopyField() function could give a wrong result. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5205 Templates and reports

The custom mesh properties CUSTOM.MESH_LENGTH_NET, CUSTOM.MESH_WIDTH_NET, and CUSTOM.MESH_SIZE_NET now follow the modeling direction.

TTSD-50858 Templates and reports

Template Editor: Multiple separators now work in the fvf() function. Also leading and trailing spaces are ignored when the key value is searched.

TTSD-51122 Templates and reports

Printing: Printing of reports using bold font is again possible.

TSAC-6317 Drawings

View-level dimensioning: When skew edges dimension orientation was set to dimension along the edge, the dimensions were incorrectly created in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6529 Drawings

View-level dimensioning: Drawing dimensioning method Filter performance has been improved in large models. 
NOTE: This improvement changes the guidance we gave earlier when releasing Tekla Structures version 2021 that using a selection filter (.SObjGrp) would be faster than using a view filter (.vf). Now the view filter is faster, and we recommend using only view filters and no longer selection filters.

TTSD-47944 Drawings

Earlier, when unfolding plates having bolt assembly with even or odd slots rotation, slotted hole orientation was incorrect sometimes. This issue has now been fixed

TTSD-50116 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: The logic for suggesting a drawing template in Smart create has been improved.

TTSD-50381 Drawings

Layout editor: Editing sizes in the drawing layout editor works now more reliably.

TTSD-50453 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: The sorting of the columns in the Creation review dialog box has been improved.

TTSD-50454 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: When you select an object in the Creation review dialog box and then select Select from model in the drop-down in the Create from column, the correct objects are now highlighted in the model.

TTSD-50641 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: Fabrication drawing creation now takes the state of the XS_ DO_ NOT CREATE ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS FOR_ LOOSE_ PARTS advanced option into account when determining whether a drawing should be created or not. You will get a message if your license or settings do not support the creation of drawings for some objects.

TTSD-51080 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: The Creation review dialog box now finds settings in all subfolders under the XS_FIRM and XS_PROJECT folders.

TTSD-51404 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: The Creation review now show more reliably the names of the drawing templates when you clone from another model.

TTSD-48039 Tekla Model Sharing

The Project viewer role now uses the same set of permissions as the Carbon configuration.

TTSD-50241 Tekla Model Sharing

Previously, the sharing history was not always correctly read in. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-37874 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: When you use the By guidelines command to create rebar sets, you can now deselect faces by clicking a selected face again.

TTSD-39473 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: If the created rebar set bars are not valid, leg surfaces now turn red in the same way as leg faces. Earlier, only leg faces turned red.

TTSD-42899 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: An issue was fixed in the calculation of rebar set bar geometry when using a lapping splitter over smoothly connecting leg surfaces.

TTSD-44624 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Previously, if you changed the rebar set layer number in the property pane, the number was only applied to leg faces and not to leg surfaces. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-48832 Reinforcement

The cast unit template attributes for total width (CAST_UNIT_WIDTH_TOTAL), height (CAST_UNIT_HEIGHT_TOTAL), and length (CAST_UNIT_LENGTH_TOTAL) now consider rebar objects created with rebar sets.

TTSD-49885 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: An issue was fixed where the Clear reinforcing bar numbers command, when used with rebar sets, did not flag the numbering of the parent cast unit to be out of date.

TTSD-49964 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: The context menu now shows the correct adaptivity status of the rebar set modifiers.

If the adaptivity of a modifier is set to Default, the modifier now uses the adaptivity setting of the rebar set it belongs to. Previously, with Default, the Default adaptivity setting of the model was used from File > Settings > Options > General.

TTSD-50135 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Negative overall offsets were not applied to rebar set bars on a leg surface. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-50535 Reinforcement

An issue was fixed where reporting PHASE, PHASE.NAME or PHASE.COMMENT through a REBAR_ASSEMBLY report template row did not work.

TTSD-51123 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: The Diagnose model command now reports Invalid rebar geometry warnings for rebar sets that do not have valid geometry. Previously, rebar set geometry was not checked by the command.

TTSD-51137 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: In unselected rebar sets, the leg faces and leg surfaces that are not valid now have appropriate visibility after the Show only selected command has been used.

TTSD-51290 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Previously, when rebar sets were created using the By guidelines command, Tekla Structures might stop responding and then close unexpectedly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51543 Reinforcement

It is now possible to filter rebar sets when Category is set to Object and Property to ID number.

TTSD-51561 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Previously, when rebar set layers were edited, Tekla Structures might close unexpectedly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-40910 Modeling

Previously, clash check was not performed correctly between non-subdivided reference models with a scale and native Tekla Structures objects. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-47887 Modeling

Previously, the snap to nearest point and snap to any point snap switches were forced on when the Split command was used. This has now been fixed, and snapping follows the switch settings.

TTSD-50591 Modeling

When opening selection filters, unwanted characters appeared in the log. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-50654 Modeling

Previously, when a secondary part in an assembly was split, the assembly was not split even though the part was split. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-51131 Modeling

In some cases, when the model was saved, Tekla Structures might close unexpectedly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51158 Modeling

Previously, simultaneous autosave for users in a multi-user model did not work correctly because of a file write conflict in the model folders. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-51284 Modeling

Previously, when XS_DRAW_BOLTS_3D_IN_BOLT_LAYER was set to TRUE, bolt holes were shown in model views even though the No hole option was used. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51781 Modeling

Earlier in Tekla Structures 2022, when modifying a part in a model view where a view filter was in use, hidden parts became visible. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-16209 Licensing

Previously, the Role and Configuration fields in the License section of the Settings menu did not show the values defined in the bypass.ini file. Now the fields show the correct values, but you cannot change the values.

TTSD-50598 Licensing

Previously, when you opened Tekla Structures, a new browser tab was always opened. Now, when you open Tekla Structures and log in, the default browser window does not open anymore if you have a valid session and authentication available.

TTSD-51288 Licensing

The sign-in browser is shown less frequently when users who are already signed in change from one version or product to another.

TTSD-48637 Core

Previously, Tekla Structures sometimes stopped responding unexpectedly. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-51433 Core

The performance of large models has been improved, and the freezing of the model should not happen anymore.

TTSD-50146 Tools and components

The TSEP installer now provides improved logging when a file cannot be installed because the target folder is not writeable or because a file with the same name exists and cannot be overwritten.

TTSD-49537 User interface

Previously, when selecting the Open button and then the All models tab on the start screen, texts were overlapping. Now, the popup text of the Open button on the start screen closes automatically when the mouse cursor is moved to the start screen tabs area.

TTSD-50421 User interface

Previously, when a model created in a previous Tekla Structures version was opened, a message about autosave starting and getting stuck was displayed. Now, if the saving fails due to version incompatibility, the message reads "Autosave is not possible until you save the model in the current version".

TTSD-47183 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

NC/DSTV export: Earlier, when using Save as when saving the NC file header content, the resulted file was not loaded properly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSd-51310 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

NC/DSTV export: Earlier, when a part was presented twice in the bolt connection, bolt holes were missing from the export to DSTV. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6454 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): In some cases, when exporting a narrow hollowcore, the export interpreted the cast unit as a type beam and not as a type slab, which led to incorrect results. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6471 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Information about the export progress is now shown in a command prompt window.

TSAC-6541 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Previously, incorrect values L1, L2, and DL were exported for elements that had been cut. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6615 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Rebar report field properties, such as DIM_R, can now be written into rebar and mesh info fields with Template.
