Solver model types

Tekla Structural Designer
修改时间: 6 12月 2024
Tekla Structural Designer

Solver model types

You can review the different solver models by opening a Solver View and then choosing the solver model type required from the Solver ribbon, (or from the right-click menu).

Working Solver Model

The Working Solver Model shows the model in its form prior to any analysis.

Although 1D elements, solver nodes, and diaphragms are displayed, 2D elements are not (even when you have chosen to mesh slabs/walls). This is because 2D elements are only formed at the point of analysis.

Solver Model used for 1st Order Linear and 2nd Order Linear

The solver model used for 1st order and 2nd order linear analysis potentially features a mix of 1D analysis elements, FE meshes and diaphragms as follows:

  • beams and columns are modelled as 1D analysis elements
  • walls are either mid-pier analysis elements, or FE meshes
  • slabs (optionally) form rigid, or semi rigid, diaphragms in floors
  • 1-way slabs have their loads decomposed on to supporting members at a preliminary stage of the analysis.
  • 2-way slabs are (typically) not meshed, in which case they will also have their loads decomposed on to supporting members at a preliminary stage of the analysis.
  • 2-way slabs (optionally) can be meshed, this is only recommended for special cases, typically where slabs participate in the lateral load stability system, e.g. transfer slabs
  • supports are user defined

Any FE meshes in the solver model are formed using the mesh parameters in place for the most recent run of the chosen analysis (i.e. 1st order linear or 2nd order linear).

If the analysis has yet to be run, the current mesh parameters are applied.

Running any other analysis type after changes to either geometry or loading will prevent you from displaying results for this model.


Results are still displayed for the "old" solver model until the working solver model is updated to reflect the changes (by running an analysis). Changes to mesh size or uniformity do not cause the working solver model to be updated: consequently if you run an analysis with certain mesh parameters, then a second analysis type with different mesh parameters, both sets of results can be displayed.

2-way slabs meshed

Optionally you can choose to mesh all 2-way slabs - making a fully meshed model (both walls and floors) possible.

This is generally not recommended as it will inevitably increase the model size, (and potentially the time to solve for large models), although it might be considered that a fully meshed model behaves more "correctly" where slabs are considered to be part of the lateral load resisting system of the structure.

It is more likely that you will choose to mesh specific floor levels only (e.g. transfer levels), keeping other levels unmeshed.

Solver Model used for 1st Order Non Linear and 2nd Order Non Linear

These solver models are basically the same as those used for 1st and 2nd order linear analysis with the exception that they will also feature non linear elements.

Any FE meshes in these solver models are formed using the mesh parameters in place for the most recent run of the chosen analysis (i.e. 1st order non-linear or 2nd order non-linear).

If the analysis has yet to be run, the current mesh parameters are applied.

Running any other analysis types after changes to either geometry or loading will prevent you from displaying results for these models.


Results are still displayed for the "old" solver model until the working solver model is updated to reflect the changes (by running an analysis). Changes to mesh size or uniformity do not cause the working solver model to be updated: consequently if you run an analysis with certain mesh parameters, then a second analysis type with different mesh parameters, both sets of results can be displayed.

Solver Model used for 1st Order Modal

Any FE meshes in this 3D solver model are formed using the mesh parameters in place for the most recent run of 1st order modal analysis.

If the analysis has yet to be run, the current mesh parameters are applied.

Running any other analysis type after changes to either geometry or loading will prevent you from displaying results for this model.


Results are still displayed for the "old" solver model until the working solver model is updated to reflect the changes (by running an analysis). Changes to mesh size or uniformity do not cause the working solver model to be updated: consequently if you run an analysis with certain mesh parameters, then a second analysis type with different mesh parameters, both sets of results can be displayed.

Solver Model used for 2nd Order Buckling

Any FE meshes in this 3D solver model are formed using the mesh parameters in place for the most recent run of 2nd order buckling analysis.

If the analysis has yet to be run, the current mesh parameters are applied.

Running any other analysis type after changes to either geometry or loading will prevent you from displaying results for this model.


Results are still displayed for the "old" solver model until the working solver model is updated to reflect the changes (by running an analysis). Changes to mesh size or uniformity do not cause the working solver model to be updated: consequently if you run an analysis with certain mesh parameters, then a second analysis type with different mesh parameters, both sets of results can be displayed.

Solver Model used for Grillage Chasedown

In grillage chasedown a 3D sub model is formed for each floor including those columns and walls that connected to the floor.

The sub models are analyzed sequentially for gravity loads, starting at the top level and working down. Support reactions from each level are transferred to the level below.


Two-way slabs are only meshed in grillage sub-models at those levels where they have been set as meshed for 3D Analysis. For all other slabs load decomposition is carried out prior to the analysis.

Solver Model used for FE Chasedown

FE chasedown is similar to grillage chasedown, with 3D sub models being formed at each level; the one difference being that in the FE chasedown the two-way slabs are always meshed.

The sub models are analyzed sequentially for gravity loads, starting at the top level and working down. Support reactions from each level are transferred to the level below.


Solver Model used for Load Decomposition

At each level, (provided you have not checked the Mesh slabs in 3D analysis option), a solver model is created solely for the purpose of decomposing slab and panel loads back on to the supporting members. As these load decomposition models are only used during the pre-analysis stage, by default they are not retained.

However, if you want to examine the load decomposition model used at a given level this is possible by editing the level properties prior to analysis and selecting Keep solver model (located under the Decomposition heading).


The sub models are analyzed sequentially for gravity loads, starting at the top level and working down. Support reactions from each level are transferred to the level below.

Refresh Solver Model

The solver model currently displayed is updated to reflect changes that have occurred in the working solver model since the last analysis. The 2D element mesh is also updated to reflect the current mesh parameters. Previous analysis results are also erased for this solver model
