How shear only walls are represented in solver models

Tekla Structural Designer
修改时间: 2 9月 2024
Tekla Structural Designer

How shear only walls are represented in solver models

Shear only walls resist in-plane shear only and have no out of plane stiffness or load bearing resistance.


The ‘shear only wall’ is configured to allow, as the name implies, shear forces only to be resisted. These arise from frame action in the lateral load resisting system when subject to lateral loads. The behaviour is typical of unreinforced masonry walls built into a steel or concrete frame. Under lateral loading the top of the column adjacent to the wall panel bears on a relatively short length of wall, creates compression in some width of masonry in the diagonal and exits the wall panel at the toe of the opposite corner.

A masonry wall panel resists this force couple at each corner primarily as a shear panel. The failure mechanism either follows a stepped pattern through the joints or by shear bond along the bed joints. The compression strut manifests as a failure in diagonal tension across the bed joints in a stepped fashion. Failure can also occur by local crushing in the top left or bottom right of the wall (or vice versa). These failure modes are depicted in the figure below.

The third failure mode mentioned, crushing in the corners, is very difficult to model and is believed to have a minor influence on overall behaviour. It is thought to be self compensating to some extent because when the masonry begins to crush more length of wall is brought into play.

The diagonal cracking and sliding in the bed joint are the primary effects of the wall acting as a shear panel. This is the only behaviour that ‘shear only walls’ are able to model.

The compression strut that is also inferred by the diagonal cracking generates push-pull forces in the frame and complementary axial forces in the beams. These are incorporated in the Tekla Structural Designer implementation by the use of special ‘Link Elements’.

The oft used and simplest model of a single brace or pair of braces from corner to corner of the wall panel can adequately represent the lateral stiffness of the infilled frame but introduces unwanted axial forces (from gravity loads), particularly in columns. The Tekla Structural Designer implementation is a significant improvement on this simplest model and requires only the determination of the spring stiffness associated with the shear behaviour.

Crisafulli (2007)1 provides a formula for the stiffness, ks, of the shear spring as,

γs x Ams x Em/dm x cos2θ

total area of equivalent strut based on the panel thickness and a width of strut of the order of ¼ to ⅓ of the diagonal length of the panel

Elastic modulus of the masonry
diagonal length of the wall panel
the angle of the ‘strut’ with the horizontal

The factor γs is the proportion of total stiffness that is assigned to the spring whilst the remainder is provided in the Crisafulli model by a pair of ‘masonry struts’. In Tekla Structural Designer γs is 1.0 i.e. all of the stiffness is provided by the spring whilst the force effects of the ‘masonry struts’ are replicated by the special ‘Link Element’.

Other formulations for the spring stiffness are likely to exist in the literature.

In Tekla Structural Designer, the spring is a either a linear or non-linear uniaxial spring, the former being used when all diaphragms are ‘Rigid’.

One of the consequences of the configuration of ‘shear only walls’ adopted in Tekla Structural Designer is that no loads can be applied out of plane and no members can be connected into the main body of the wall panel. Similarly, the wall panel must be completely surrounded by column and beam members to ensure transfer of lateral loads. For this type of shear wall the head detail is assumed to be such that there is no load transfer from the beam above to the head of the wall.

1 Crisafulli F. J. and Athol J. C., Proposed macro-model for the analysis of infilled frame structures, Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 40 No. 2 June 2007.

Solver model in Tekla Structural Designer

Shear only wall panels are modelled using two axial springs between 'panel nodes' connected to 'corner nodes' by link elements. How these are configured differs for interstory panels and the base panel.

Note: The axial spring and link elements are only shown in the Solver View used for analysis. The above illustrations are not to scale, the actual u and v dimensions being 10mm (25/64 in.) and 20mm (50/64in.)

Interstory panels

For each interstory panel, two springs, each with a pair of nodes are created and connected to the ‘corner’ nodes where the panel connects to the beam-column node. The connection is made using four special ‘Link Elements’. The orientation of the axial spring means there is stiffness only in the plane of the wall, specifically only in the horizontal direction. The Link Elements coordinate systems and their degrees of freedom are configured such that the panel operates in-plane and is stable out-of-plane whilst not generating any untoward moments and forces.

Base panel

Where a base panel exists, a single fixed base is created. Two springs are created at the same level, and connected to the ‘corner’ nodes where the panel connects to the beam-column node using two Link Elements. The orientation of the axial springs means there is stiffness only in the plane of the wall, specifically only in the horizontal direction. The Link Element coordinate system and their degrees of freedom are configured such that the panel operates in-plane and is stable out-of-plane whilst not generating any untoward moments and forces. Only horizontal reaction is produced at the support and this must be distributed manually along the wall footing if required.

Walls supported on meshed slabs and foundation mats are treated as base panels with the springs and consequent forces applied to a ‘seeded’ node in the mesh.

Self weight

The self weight of each panel is automatically calculated by Tekla Structural Designer and applied to the supporting beam. For a base panel this applied directly to the wall support. For meshed slabs and foundation mats the wall is treated as a base panel and the self weight is applied to a ‘seeded’ node in the mesh.
