Design ribbon

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Design ribbon

Command Description
Settings Opens the Design Settings dialog
Validate Validates the model for design issues.
Design Steel (Gravity) Performs an analysis for gravity combinations only, and then designs all steel members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design Steel (Static) Performs an analysis of all static combinations (gravity, lateral, and ELF seismic), and then designs all steel members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design Steel (RSA) Performs an analysis of all RSA load combinations (gravity, lateral, and ELF seismic), and then designs all steel members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design Concrete (Gravity) Performs an analysis for gravity combinations only, and then designs all concrete members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design Concrete (Static) Performs an analysis of all static combinations (gravity, lateral, and ELF seismic), and then designs all concrete members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design Concrete (RSA) Performs an analysis of all RSA load combinations (gravity, lateral, and ELF seismic), and then designs all concrete members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design All (Gravity) Performs an analysis for gravity combinations only, and then designs all members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design All (Static) Performs an analysis of all static combinations (gravity, lateral, and ELF seismic), and then designs all members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design All (RSA) Performs an analysis of all RSA load combinations (gravity, lateral, and ELF seismic), and then designs all members in the model based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Design Slabs Designs two-way concrete slabs for out-of-plane bending to all valid combinations based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Patch Column Creates a localized slab reinforcement patch at a slab-column connection.
Design Patches Design slab patches for out-of-plane slab bending to all valid combinations based on their individual 'auto-design' setting.
Punching Check Creates a punching check associated with the punching object.
Design Punching Shear Perform a check or design (according to individual autodesign settings) of all punching checks in the model.
Vibration Check Create a floor vibration check.
Check Floor Vibration Perform all floor vibration checks in the model.
Check in Tedds

This command can be used after all precast concrete members have been initially designed. The command is intended for use where a general re-check for all objects is required following changes to the model which require a reanalysis process (e.g. changing the loading applied onto the model). The command finds all members where a linked Tekla Tedds calculation has been created and performs a check design for these members. This command should ideally be used at the end of the design cycle and ensures that the previously designed precast concrete elements still meet the design criteria of the model.
