Tekla PowerFab 2024i SP1

Tekla PowerFab
修改时间: 16 10月 2024
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Tekla PowerFab 2024i SP1

The latest Tekla PowerFab 2024i service pack is available in

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Shapes/Grades/Sizes report enhancements

In Maintenance > Shapes/Grades/Sizes, a new filter, Shape is active has been added to reports. It allows you to select active or inactive shapes for your reports.

All the Shapes/Grades/Sizes reports are now also available in Stimulsoft. Conseqeuently, in Stimulsoft report designer, there is now also additional data that you can customize.

The new Shapes & Sizes Explorer report allows you to browse and filter data quickly.

For more information on the reports, see the following:

Copy email address

In dialogs that show address book information, there is now a copy icon that you can use to easily copy the email address to paste it where needed.

Example: Contact Properties in Project Management


缺陷数 开发领域 描述
EPM-7498 Estimating

Estimate Item Status and Estimate Galvanizing Trailer capacity are now copied to the new job when the estimate is copied.

EPM-5660 Project management

Copy icons have been added to labels that contain email addresses for easy copy and paste.

EPM-9142 Project management

Previously, in Project Scheduling, when updating the status of the schedule tasks set to break down by Lot # did not receive the correct values. This issue has now been fixed.

EPM-9112 Production control

On the Details tab in the Work Package dialog , a button has been added to allow the notes to be entered on a larger window.

EPM-9126 Production control

The MySQL error that occurred when deleting a production control job has been fixed.

EPM-9148 Production control

Previously, when sending material from an estimate to a production control job, the resulting PDC items were not able to be combined. This issue has now been fixed.

EPM-9013 Inventory

Previously, in Inventory, the PO # field appeared twice in the input field settings. This issue has now been fixed.

EPM-9146 Inventory

Previously, in Inventory, an error occurred when attempting to run the List of Changes reports. This issue has now been fixed.

EPM-9052 Integrations

When using the SigmaNest inventory sync, the handling of identical remnants has been improved.

EPM-9081 Integrations

Previously, an error occurred when using the SigmaNest integration when a dimension had a SigmaNest Designation that includes letters. This issue has now been fixed.

EPM-9090 Integrations

Previously, in the Combining Run Results dialog, the extension export options were not visible for mult combining runs. This issue has now been fixed.

EPM-9127 Integrations

Previously, an error occurred when performing a take from stock from a ProNest nesting result. This issue has now been fixed.

EPM-9029 Tekla EPM Go

Previously, in Tekla PowerFab Go, the Trimble Connect plugin was not able to retrieve the details of the object selected in the model. This issue has now been fixed.
