Define company standard settings for requisitions

Tekla PowerFab
修改时间: 8 9月 2023
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Define company standard settings for requisitions

For each module, you can define company-level settings that are the default for all new jobs.

  1. Click the Maintenance ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Requisitions > Company Standards

    The Company Standards dialog opens.

  3. Modify the settings as needed.
    Option Description
    Requisition # Increment

    Allows you to select the default option for automatic numbering of requisitions. The options are:

    • Increment from Last Requisition #: When you create a new requisition, Tekla PowerFab uses the next available number after the latest requisition number created.
    • Increment from Largest Requisition #: Tekla PowerFab uses the next available number after the largest requisition number created.
    • Don't Increment: Automatic numbering is not used.

    You can modify the requisition number when you create a new requisition.

    Item Increment

    Sets the autoincrement for item numbers.

    The default autoincrement of 10 allows items to be added in the list as needed, without having to renumber the other items in the job.

    For example, if items should be numbered as 10, 20, 30, ..., set the input increment to 10. If the autoincrement of item numbers is not necessary, type 1.

    Keep Purchasing Selection Screen Open

    When selected, the Select Requisition/Purchase Order dialog stays open after a requisition or purchase order has been opened.

    Otherwise, the dialog closes when you open a requisition or purchase order.

    Automatically set base price on manually added line items Automatically sets a base price on manually added line items for the selected supplier.
    Automatically Create Document Index Directories When selected, the Document Index directories defined in Maintenance > Document Index > Standard Categories are created automatically under the base document index directory when a job is created. See Set the standard categories for attached documents.
    Job # Regular Expression

    Allows the use of regular expressions to create the requisition number.

    For more details on regular expressions, click Regular Expression Help.

  4. Click Save.

    Saving the settings closes the Company Standards dialog.

When you click Save, the changes you made are saved.

You can find further company standard settings by clicking the buttons.
