Import pricing information to a requisition

Tekla PowerFab
修改时间: 8 9月 2023
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Import pricing information to a requisition

Use the Import Requisition Pricing commands to import the pricing information that you want to use in the current requisition from a steelXML file or a Microsoft Excel worksheet. You can also import pricing from an email attachment that is either a Microsoft Excel worksheet or a steelXML file. New pricing information can be imported multiple times.

Note: If you want to reuse the imported pricing information later, you also need to update the pricing information to a pricing database.

For more information, see Update pricing information.

Import pricing information from an Excel worksheet

  1. In the Requisition # dialog, click the Requisition ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Import Requisition Pricing > Import Pricing From Excel File.
  3. In the Open dialog box, browse to find the worksheet from which you want to import the pricing information.
  4. Select the worksheet, and click Open.

    For sample files, see Excel Spreadsheet Sample Import Files.

    You need to use the columns in the sample file. You can use the non-required columns for your own purposes.

  5. In the Verify Excel Import Data dialog box, verify that the information is correct.

    If you want to exclude information on particular rows from being imported, you can double-click the rows.

  6. Click OK.

    The Import Field Map dialog box opens. In the dialog box, the headings of the Excel worksheet need to be mapped to the Tekla PowerFab standard field headings.

  7. If the values of an item in the Import Field and Tekla PowerFab Field columns do not match or are not correct, do the following:
    1. Select the unmatched Import Field value.
    2. On the right side of the dialog box, select a suitable field in the Tekla PowerFab Field list.
    3. Click Set Field Mapping.
  8. When you have mapped all fields together, click OK to continue.
  9. In the Import dialog box, view the status of the import process.

    To view the import process as a text file, you can click Open Import Log.

  10. To close the Import dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.

Import pricing information from an XML file

When you have received the steelXML results from a supplier, you can import them to Tekla PowerFab.

  1. In the Requisition # dialog, click the Requisition ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Import Requisition Pricing > Import Pricing From steelXML File.
  3. In the Open dialog box, browse to find the file from which you want to import the pricing information.
  4. Select the file, and click Open.
  5. In the Import dialog box, view the status of the import process.

    To view the import process as a text file, you can click Open Import Log.

  6. To close the Import dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.

Import pricing information from an email attachment

Note: You can import pricing information from email attachments only if you are using Microsoft Outlook.
  1. In Microsoft Outlook, select the email whose attachments you want to import.
  2. In the Import dialog box, view the status of the import process.

    To view the import process as a text file, you can click Open Import Log.

  3. To close the Import dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.