Manage estimate statuses

Tekla PowerFab
修改时间: 8 3月 2024
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Manage estimate statuses

Estimate statuses indicate the level of completion of estimate items. By using estimate statuses, you can quickly view the situation of each estimating job.

You can also color-code the material items in an IFC model in Trimble Connect for Windows according to their estimate statuses.
Tekla PowerFab contains four preloaded status indicators, but you can modify the list of statuses: You can add, modify, deactivate, and delete estimate statuses.
  1. Click the Maintenance ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Estimating Maintenance > Estimate Status Maintenance.
  3. In the Estimate Status Maintenance dialog box, do any of the following:


    Do this

    Add a new estimate status
    1. Click New.
    2. Type a description for the status.
    3. In the Purpose list, select a purpose for the status.
    4. Click Add.
    Set the default estimate status
    1. Select a status in the list.
    2. Select the Default checkbox.
    3. Click Save.

    The new default estimate status is marked with an asterisk (*).

    Deactivate an estimate status

    If you deactivate an estimate status, it will no longer be available for estimates. However, you can activate the status again at any time.

    1. Select a status in the list.
    2. Clear the Active checkbox.
    3. Click Save.

    To re-activate the estimate status, select the Active checkbox again.

    Modify an existing estimate status
    1. Select a status in the list.
    2. Modify the description, purpose, and other properties according to your needs.
    3. Click Save.
    Delete an existing estimate status
    1. Select a status in the list.
    2. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Delete.
    3. To permanently delete the estimate status, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
  4. To close the dialog, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.