2020 SP3:새로운 기능 및 개선 사항

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2020 SP3:새로운 기능 및 개선 사항

Tekla Structures 2020 SP3에는 도면에서 객체 레벨 설정 변경, 인쇄에 사용되는 도면과 용지 크기 동기화, IFC2x3 내보내기 Datetime 속성 및 부재 위치에 대한 키보드 바로 가기 같은 유용한 개선 사항이 포함되어 있습니다.또한 철근 집합에는 철근 집합 변경자와 가이드라인의 변경 사항 및 새로운 템플릿 속성이 있습니다.이제 Tekla User Assistance에서 템플릿 편집기 사용자 가이드를 사용할 수 있습니다.

도면의 더 빨라진 객체 레벨 설정 변경

이전에는 문서 관리자에서 도면을 여러 개 선택하고 도면에 대한 객체 레벨 설정을 변경하는 경우, Tekla Structures에 각 도면에 대한 확인 대화 상자가 따로 표시되었습니다.Tekla Structures에는 대화 상자가 한 번만 표시되며 모든 도면에 대한 변경을 한 번에 확인할 수 있으므로, 이제는 여러 도면을 선택한 경우에 업데이트가 더욱 빨라졌습니다.


인쇄에 사용되는 도면 크기 및 용지 크기 동기화

이제 도면 크기와 인쇄에 사용되는 용지 크기를 쉽게 동기화할 수 있습니다.이렇게 하면, 도면 레이아웃에 사용하는 도면 크기를 인쇄에도 사용할 수 있습니다.도면 크기와 용지 크기는 현재 모델에서만 동기화된다는 점에 유의하십시오.

도면 크기와 용지 크기를 동기화하는 방법:

  • 도면 레이아웃 저장하는 경우, 나열된 크기를 인쇄용 용지 크기와 동기화 확인란을 선택합니다.

    Tekla Structures이(가) 새로운 도면 크기를 감지하면, 파일 사본이 모델 폴더 아래의 Papersizesfordrawings.dat\attributes 폴더에 생성됩니다.


IFC2x3 내보내기 Datetime 속성 개선 사항

IFC2x3 내보내기 Datetime 속성은 이제 값을 찾을 수 없는 경우에 정확하게 설정되지 않은 "$" 값을 제공합니다.예를 들어 도면에 수정 사항이 없는 경우, DRAWING.REVISION.LAST_DATE_CREATE 속성에 대해이 이벤트가 발생합니다.


부재 위치에 대한 새로운 키보드 바로 가기

이제는 속성 창 또는 상황에 맞는 도구 모음에서 위치 옵션을 사용하는 대신에 새로운 키보드 바로 가기를 사용하여 보, 폴리보, 윤곽 플레이트 및 슬래브의 부재 위치를 수정할 수 있습니다.키보드 바로 가기는 기본 Tekla Structures 부재와 해석 부재에 모두에 적용됩니다.

빠른 실행에서도 새로운 부재 위치 바로 가기를 사용할 수 있습니다.

부재 위치는 부재 핸들 사이의 부재 기준선을 기준으로 하며, 부재 위치는 사용되는 키보드 바로 가기 옵션에 따라 변경됩니다.

명령 키보드 바로 가기

부재 위치 위쪽

Alt+위로 화살표

부재 위치 아래쪽

Alt+아래로 화살표

부재 위치 왼쪽

Alt+왼쪽 화살표

부재 위치 오른쪽

Alt+오른쪽 화살표

시계 방향으로 부품 회전 90도

해석 부재에는 이 명령을 사용할 수 없습니다.


새로운 키보드 바로 가기가 작동하지 않는 경우, 기본 키보드 바로 가기를 복원하여 새 키보드 바로 가기를 활성화하십시오.키보드 바로 가기를 정의하고 유지하려면, 이러한 새로운 키보드 바로 가기를 수동으로 매핑해야 합니다.



철근 집합 집합의 방향 및 가이드라인 변경

이제 철근 집합을 수정하는 경우에는 상황에 맞는 도구 모음의 새로운 바꾸기 종료 버튼 을 사용하여 분할자, 변경자 및 가이드라인의 방향을 변경할 수 있습니다.


철근 집합의 새 템플릿 속성

이제는 철근 집합에 의해 테이퍼 철근 그룹을 보고할 때, SUB_ID_WITH_LETTERSSUB_ID_WITH_LETTERS_LAST을 템플릿 속성으로 사용할 수 있습니다.


Tekla User Assistance의 템플릿 편집기 사용자 가이드

이제 템플릿 편집기 사용자 가이드는 제품 안내서 '관리 Tekla Structures' 섹션의 Tekla User Assistance에서 를 확인할 수 있습니다.이제는 내용을 찾아보고 검색을 정상적으로 사용할 수 있습니다.내용은 템플릿 편집기 도움말과 동일합니다.이전에는 템플릿 편집기 사용자 가이드를 Tekla User Assistance에서 PDF 형식으로만 사용할 수 있었습니다.

템플릿 편집기 사용자 안내서는 현재 영어로만 제공됩니다.


결함 번호 개발 영역 설명
TSAC-4346 Concrete components Reinforcement mesh array (91): Mesh creation did not work on slabs that contained a great number of notches. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3385, TSAC-4340, TSAC-4341 Concrete components Concrete foundation (1030) has been improved as follows:
  • On the Picture tab, you can now define an offset for the injection tube from the bottom of the column. Also, the sloping injection hose is now properly fitted to the column edge.
Concrete foundation 1030 injection tube offset.png
  • On the Parts tab, there is a new option, Poly-profile (as sub-assembly), for Type of reinforcing bars. This new option creates a poly-profile as a sub-assembly to the foundation part.
TSAC-4396 Concrete components Rectangular column reinforcement (83): You can now create intermediate links as one stirrup group with the Create as one group option on the Intermediate links tab.
TSAC-4405 Concrete components Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60) now reads more values of the defined grid from external files. This allows you to add a bigger grid for the strands. This has been improved on the external files side only, and not in the dialog box, because of length limitations.
TSAC-4410 Concrete components Reinforced concrete stair (95) : You can now define different covers for the floor-level dummy profiles for the top/middle/bottom steps as well as the vertical cover thickness. 

Additionally, you can now define Position in depth for the created profiles.
TSAC-4435 Concrete components Concrete console (110) and Concrete beam-beam (112): Previously, when modifying the components with changes that did not affect numbering, the numbering was changed to not up to date. This has now been fixed. 
TSAC-4450 Concrete components Wall layout connector has been changed so that there is no crash when getting values and layers from a corrupted Wall layout component.

Note that the Wall layout connector component is not adjusted or updated when one of the connected Wall layouts is moved. For this you still need to delete the corrupted connector and add a new one.
TSAC-3308 Steel components Hollow brace wraparound gusset (59), Corner tube gusset (56), Tube gusset (20), Tube crossing (22): You can now define brace bolt edge distances.
TSAC-4307 Steel components Two sided end plate (142): Previously, the welds between the haunch plates and end plates were missing when a secondary part was skewed. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4308 Steel components Two sided end plate (142): Previously, welds number 1 and 5 were also used to weld haunch plates to the secondary parts. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4375 Steel components Extend full depth tab (82): Previously, bolts were created incorrectly in some situations. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4376 Steel components Column with stiffeners W (182): Previously, the weld properties in the component did not match the values set in the dialog box. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4398 Steel components Shear plate (103): Previously, bolt edge distances were not correct. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4399 Steel components Joist to column, type 1 (161): Previously, defining the cut back distance of the bottom chord caused the component to crash. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4428 Steel components Railings (S77): Previously, using the connection to connect middle rails to stanchions created the connection only for one rail. This has now been fixed and both rails are now connected to the stanchions as defined on the Middle rails tab.
TSAC-4429 Steel components Railings (S77): It is now possible to use custom components as the connection between the stanchions and the top, middle, and bottom rails.
TSAC-4453 Steel components Base plate (1004), Web stiffened base plate (1016): Previously, the leveling plate did not follow the position of the additional beam. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4491 Steel components Seat type 9 (73): Previously, setting the number of bolts to 0 for the vertical or horizontal direction caused Tekla Structures to crash. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4501 Steel components Haunch (40): Previously, when two-sided haunches were created, some welds were missing for the second haunch. This has now been fixed, and all welds are created correctly.
TSAC-4542 Steel components Base plate (1004): Previously, the galvanizing holes were not created in case anchor rods were used instead of bolts. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4547 Steel components U.S. Base plate (1047): Previously, one hole below the washer plates was created with an incorrect diameter. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-970 Steel components Railings (S77): The start and end closures are now fitted to the first and last stanchion.
TSAC-3134 Import, export, interoperability NC/DSTV: Before, when the diameter of a round cut was less than the maximum diameter for circular cuts to be drilled, these cuts were not exported to DSTV as drilled holes. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34846 Import, export, interoperability Sometimes inserting a reference model failed because of special characters.

Now all characters below 256 are allowed in a reference model file name: both ASCII (0-127) and extended ASCII (128-255).

TTSD-35611 Import, export, interoperability Tekla Structures sometimes crashed when you tried to save a multi-user model with the compact view in the Applications and Components catalog. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-36914 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: The Tapered curved rebar groups are no longer exported so that the self-intersecting bars are clashing (2D).
TTSD-37466 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: Welds are now exported with solid colors.
TTSD-38844 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: Sometimes imported curved IFC beams appeared with rough segmenting. This has now been fixed.
TPLED-178 Templates and reports

Previously, column headers were not positioned correctly in tables that were filled vertically from top to bottom and aligned to the right. This has now been fixed.

TPLED-180 Templates and reports The last line of a multiline ValueField was sometimes cut off when automatic font resize was used. This has now been fixed.
TPLED-181 Templates and reports Align to top for a multiline value field sometimes failed when the content of the value field was one-line text. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35705 Templates and reports In addition to the environment folders, graphical templates can be read from the XS_FIRM and XS_PROJECT folders. Previously, the \template folder was excluded from the template file search if it was a subfolder of  XS_FIRM or XS_PROJECT. Now, the XS_FIRM\template and XS_PROJECT\template folders are included in the template file search. Drawing templates are searched from all XS_PROJECT and XS_FIRM folders, except for the hard coded folders like Organizer, or hard coded template folder subfolders.
TSAC-4455 Drawings Rebar pull-out picture and marking: The Rebar pull-out picture and marking application has been improved for rebar sets. Some rebar set shapes were previously not represented, or were represented incorrectly  The shapes are now represented correctly.
TTSD-20200 Drawings Previously, when you printed drawings to plot files, when a revision was included in a plot file name that contained a period (for example, a date), the revision text was not inserted in the correct location. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-21855 Drawings

Document manager has two new buttons at the bottom of the window:

  • Image
    Delete drawing.png
     Delete button for deleting the selected drawings or file documents. Previously, you could only delete selected drawings by selecting Delete in the context menu.
  • Image
    Button Open prev.png
      Open previous drawing and
    Button Open next.png
     Open next drawing buttons for opening the previous or next drawing while a drawing is open. Previously, you could only open previous and next drawings by pressing Ctrl+Page Up or Ctrl+Page Down on the keyboard.
TTSD-27852 Drawings Previously, the sort order in Document Manager was reset when you saved a multi-user model. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-32458 Drawings Previously, Tekla Structures could sometimes crash when you moved several drawing views  at one go from one drawing to another drawing. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33468 Drawings Symbol files in the model were not used in printing if the same symbol file was present elsewhere (defined by DXK_SYMBOLPATH). This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33595 Drawings

Dimension associativity rules are now sorted and show more clearly if the rule is associated to a reference point.

Associate to reference points.png

TTSD-34619 Drawings The mark content for radial curved rebar dimension marks is now correct regardless of which side of the rebar group or rebar set you pick.

Also, when you select curved rebar dimensions, the Subgrouping setting in rebar dimension mark properties is now automatically set to No, and the setting is disabled. This is because curved dimensions consist of only one dimension base.
TTSD-34642 Drawings NUMBER_IN_DRAWING regarding rebar groups was not updated correctly in an associative note. This got broken in another fix regarding rebar set groups, and has now been fixed.
TTSD-35538, TTSD-33208 Drawings The Rebar number mark property is now correctly updated in rebar dimension marks with subgrouping for rebar sets after the model is updated and renumbered.
TTSD-36481 Drawings The extension line at the end of rebar dimension marks and the away part of the extension line in rebar dimension marks and in normal dimensions were missing. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-36525 Drawings Previously, layout files were randomly missing from exported drawing files when the layout files were read from XS_FIRM or XS_PROJECT folders. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-37217 Drawings Arrow placing and direction is now correct for both regular dimensions and rebar dimension marks when Combine equal dimensions is activated, and the distance between each equal dimension is smaller than or equal to the arrow head length.
TTSD-37328 Drawings In Layout editor, table anchoring has been improved so that dragging tables now works more logically. 
TTSD-37352 Drawings Lines that link rebar dimensions are now drawn using drawing coordinates instead of model coordinates. This means that reinforcement marks are placed correctly again. 
TTSD-37388 Drawings Previously, the line thickness was not updated in black and white drawing mode. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-37586 Drawings The Rebar command (Add rebar dimension marks) was missing from the ribbon in the drawing mode in the EPM modeller, Partner, Production planner, Steel Detailer and Viewer configurations. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-37605 Drawings When you add .dxf and .dwg files to the drawing layout using Layout editor, if the file is located under the model folder, a relative path is used. Otherwise, an absolute file path is used. This simplifies creating drawing layouts for shared models, because folder structure can be different on different computers.
TTSD-37775 Drawings In some cases, adding a graphical object in a drawing caused Tekla Structures and Windows to freeze for several minutes. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-37800 Drawings When you change the value of the XS_BLACK_DRAWING_BACKGROUND advanced option, you no longer need to restart Tekla Structures to activate the new value.
TTSD-37802 Drawings When you edited more than two dimension sets or more than two dimension bases that had prefix or postfix values defined, those values were not shown in the properties dialog box. The same applied to two rebar dimension marks when Dimension to was set to Start and end rebars. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-38185 Drawings When the distance between points in a rebar dimension is very small (for example, when you dimension closely packed rebars), but the set of equal dimensions is combined into a single dimension, the arrow heads at the ends of dimension lines are now correctly placed inside the combined dimension.
TTSD-38559 Drawings Previously, recreating cloned drawings added non-existing extra drawings to the drawing list in Document manager. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-38155 System and options Previously, some files were not read from project or firm folders if there were semicolons (;) in the folder path. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35504, TTSD-37034 Tekla Model Sharing Previously in some situations, pour GUIDs between different Tekla Model Sharing users could go out of sync. Because of this, pour data was corrupted and Tekla Structures could crash during read-in. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-37993 Tekla Model Sharing Previously, excluding a folder from sharing only worked for folders directly under the model folder, not for sub-folders. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-39160 Tekla Model Sharing Previously, downloads were occasionally jammed in the Tekla Model Sharing service when reading in or joining a model. This was most likely related to limited internet bandwidth when several packets were read in or when joining a large model. The issue has now been fixed in this service pack.

If you are a Tekla Model Sharing on-premises server user, note that this Tekla Structures service pack is not compatible with on-premises server versions older than version 3.13.9. To continue using Tekla Model Sharing, you need to update the Tekla Model Sharing on-premises server to version 3.13.9.

Tekla Model Sharing on-premises server version 3.13.9 is downward compatible. All previous Tekla Structures versions in which Tekla Model Sharing is available, starting from Tekla Structures 21.0, work with this server version.
TTSD-37921 Reinforcement Previously, rebar set hooks could appear at the wrong angle in drawings. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-38105 Reinforcement Previously, if you changed the phase of a rebar set in the Phase manager, the numbering status of the rebar set changed to out-of-date. This does not happen anymore.
TTSD-38740 Reinforcement Previously, there was an error in the property pane if you tried to copy properties from a rebar set to itself. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33232 Modeling Previously, snap highlight sometimes got stuck in the view until the view was redrawn. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33685 Modeling Previously, in some rare cases, Tekla Structures could crash when you moved a custom component and then modified a property in the custom component dialog box. This happened when a bent plate was used in the custom component that was located far away from the origin. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34621 Modeling Previously, you had to change the work plane when creating a construction circle in any other view than a basic global view, for example, in the elevation view. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-36061 Modeling Obsolete data is now more efficiently removed from the model database .db1 so that the file size will be smaller.
TTSD-37392 Modeling You can now import .lis catalog profiles with a numeric SUB_TYPE value.
TTSD-37491 Modeling In the Snapping toolbar, the list for selecting the snap depth (Auto/view plane) now works correctly.
TTSD-37507 Modeling When creating a spiral beam, the snapping now works correctly.
TTSD-37861 Modeling Previously, selecting a concrete part with the Alt key pressed did not select the rebar sets. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-38386 Modeling When merging complex parts by using the Added material > Attach to part command, Tekla Structures sometimes crashed. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-38448 Modeling Previously, selecting filters in the Object group - Selection filter dialog box could become very slow when using project or firm folders over network drives, especially when the folders contained many subfolders.
You can now use an advanced option to enable optimized filter selection, which reduces the time to select any filter that has already been selected at least once during the Tekla Structures session. The optimization can be activated by setting the XS_FILTER_DIALOG_USE_CACHED_SEARCH_RESULTS advanced option to value true in an initialization (.ini) file. This advanced option is not shown in the Advanced options dialog box.
Example: Open teklastructures.ini, and add the following line:
TSAC-4070 Installation Migration Wizard now has a progress bar that shows the progress of the migration process.
TSAC-4111 Installation Migration Wizard now excludes the environment .tsep files which are installed by the environment installers. This is to avoid the risk of having localization files that are not compatible with the new Tekla Structures version.
TTSD-31795 Installation Previously, .tsep system logging sometimes conflicted with virus scanners, which could cause issues in extension or environment installations. The .tsep logging has now been changed to make it more robust, and to allow scanning of the log while in use.
TTSD-33042 Installation Model environment information is now taken from XS_SYSTEM. The folder under \Environments\ is used as the environment name.
TTSD-35775 Installation All empty subfolders are now correctly deleted from the \Extensions\To be installed\ folder when the .tsep packages installation is complete. The subfolders left from older installations are also deleted.
TTSD-37957 Installation When importing .tsep files with Tekla Structures extension manager, Tekla Structures shows a message that asks whether you want to delete or keep the original .tsep files. This message has now been improved. The Yes and No buttons have been renamed as Delete and Keep to help you in selecting the appropriate action.
TSAC-4303 Tools and components Layout manager: Previously, deleting a layout point in the model and then selecting this point in Layout manager caused an error. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35938 Tools and components Previously, you could not open the dialog box of a .NET component published in the Applications & components catalog. This has now been fixed. .NET components now correctly use their attribute file when inserting the components to the model.
TTSD-37216 Tools and components Previously, concrete cover attributes for parts did not appear in the custom component browser. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-38656 User interface The height of the monitor or the number of monitors do not cause issues anymore with the saved Windows registry values for the Width of the snapping toolbar.
TTSD-22567 User interface In the Applications & components catalog, the search box tooltip text has been improved. The square brackets are now shown correctly as [ ], instead of a rectangle [].
TTSD-36478 User interface Snapping tooltips are now shown correctly in all languages. 
TTSD-38222 User interface

Trimble Connect Visualizer: The color and transparency of glass have been updated.

Note that you should not edit the VisualizerMaterials.xml file manually.

TSAC-4017 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): You can now add up to three comments at the start of exported files by selecting comment options in the Comment lists on the Data content tab. The options are No comment, Tekla Structures version, Model name, User name, and User-defined text. The comments are only for viewing the export file and will not be read in to EliPLAN.
TSAC-4322 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) BVBS export: The Include revision into file name check box on the Parameters tab has new options for the revision mark,
and you can include one of the following in the output file name:
- Revision mark - REVISION.MARK, default value
- Revision number - REVISION.NUMBER
- Rev<Revision mark> - same as Revision mark but the text Rev comes first
- Rev<Revision number> - same as Revision number but the text Rev comes first
TSAC-4335 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): You can now specify which property Tag for lifters uses for recognizing lifting embeds. The default value (Default) still uses name or class. Additionally, a user-defined attribute (UDA), or a template attribute (Template) can be specified to use a specific property with a specific value to recognize lifters.
TSAC-4357 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): It is now possible using options Project number and Project name on tab page Data content to specify the project number and project name in the exported file.
TSAC-4372 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Initially, the Bottom rebar = type 1 option on the Reinforcement tab was not working correctly for the reinforcement in the second shell of a double wall, when using shell-specific coordinate systems. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4382 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): You can now export the net area of elements using a custom property.
TSAC-4432 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): You can now specify a manual Unitechnik mesh type using an UDA option for Mesh type on the Unitechnik tab in the reinforcement user-defined attributes dialog box. If you leave the option blank, automatic mesh type is used like before.
TSAC-4440 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): You can use the new Project number and Project name settings on the Data content tab to specify the project number and project name in the exported file, using the set project user-defined attributes or template attributes and user-defined text.
TSAC-4468 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): It is now possible to read the erection section from a UDA or from a custom property using the Erection section setting on the Data content tab.
TSAC-4469 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): It is now possible to read the erection sequence from a UDA or from a custom property using the Erection sequence setting on the Data content tab.
TSAC-4472 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): It is now possible to export weep holes only at the middle of elements with a length less than the length specified for the new setting At middle only, length less than on the Plotter data tab.
TSAC-4489 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, the exposure class for both shells of a double wall was read from the first shell. This has been fixed, and the exposure class is now read from each of the shells.
TSAC-4509 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, for double walls with a shell offset at start end, and 1st shell turning enabled in the Double wall turned setting on the TS configuration tab, the second shell of the double wall had an incorrect X axis offset. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4510 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): You can now export element quantity in the SLABDATE block using the new setting Export quantity. If the exported sets have multiple cast units, they will have their quantity marked in the SLABDATE reference number field. The export sets are defined by the file name definition or cast unit position. The options are:
  • No: 000 written in the field (default)

  • Always 1: 001 written in the field regardless if the files names are unique or not

  • From selection: If the cast units in the export selection would have identical file names, they will be exported with only 1 file, and the total quantity of the set is written in the field

  • From total in model: The total quantity of the cast units with identical position anywhere in the model is written in the field

TSAC-4526 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) BVBS Export: On the Data content tab, in the Position source setting, there is a new option Reinforcement template available.
TSAC-4537 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): When the product code or accessory code is empty, you are now notified by a message in the log file and in the process console.
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