Add new bending shape rules manually in Rebar shape manager

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Add new bending shape rules manually in Rebar shape manager

In some cases, the bending shape rules that are defined in Rebar shape manager are not sufficient to distinguish certain bending shapes. If needed, you can manually add new bending shape rules for reinforcing bars in Rebar shape manager.

  1. In Rebar shape manager, click Add next to the Bending shape rules list.
  2. In the New bending rule dialog box, select the options from the lists to define the new rule.

    The content of the lists depends on the shape and the bending of the reinforcing bar.

  3. Click OK to add the new rule to the Bending shape rules list.

    The OK button is enabled only when the rule is valid.

Bending shape rule settings

All the rule options are available in the New bending rule dialog box, even though only certain selections are valid, depending on the type of the conditions used. The left and right condition of a rule need to be of the same type. The values in the parentheses are the values that were used to create the bar shape.

Use the New bending rule dialog box in Rebar shape manager to manually define rules for reinforcing bar bending shapes.

Option Description
Angle (A)

Bending angle between the legs.

Bending angle is always between 0 and +180 degrees. The angle cannot be negative.

Twist angle (T)

Rotation angle of a plane that has been created by two bars of consecutive lengths. The plane is rotated around the axis of the last bar creating the plane.

For bars where all the legs lie in the same plane, the twist angle is either 0 degrees or +180 degrees.

If the bar twists out of the plane, i.e. the bar is in 3D, the twist angle is between -180 and +180 degrees.

  1. Leg 1
  2. Leg 2
  3. Leg 3
  4. Twist angle direction
  5. Plane created by legs 1 and 2
Twist angle example

The twist angle between two planes is +90 degrees. The planes are created by legs 1 and 2, and legs 2 and 3.

  1. Twist angle: +90 degrees
Radius (R, RX)

Bending radius of the bending.

(RX) Radius * is the value of the bending radius when all the bendings have equal radius. Otherwise the value is zero (0). Radius * = Radius 1 ensures that all the bendings have been created using the same radius.

Bending length (BL)

Center line length of the bending.

Straight length (S)

Straight length between the start and the end of adjacent bendings.

The rule is generated only when there is no straight part, for example, Straight length 2 = 0.

Leg length (L)

Length of the leg.

Leg (V)

Leg direction as a vector value.

Bar diameter (DIA, DIAX)

Diameter of the reinforcing bar.

Nominal diameter (NDIA, NDIAX)

Nominal diameter of the reinforcing bar.

Center line length (CLL)

Leg length according to the center line.

Sum of leg lengths (SLL)

Sum of all leg lengths.


Reversed reinforcing bar.

You can use Reversed to have additional bending shape rules and/or formulas for the schedule fields.

When used in a rule, you can have separate definitions in shape code and/or schedule fields for reinforcing bars that have different modeling order of the points.

When used as a part of a formula, you can eliminate the automatic normalization of the modeling order of the points. For example, a formula if (REVERSED) then L2 else L3 endif forces the content of the field to show the desired leg length depending on the order of the points or legs.

Arc inner radius (RI)

Inner radius of the arc.

Arc outer radius (RO)

Outer radius of the arc.

Arc angle (AA)

Angle of the arc.

Arc length (AL)

Length of the arc.

Arc twist angle (AT)

Rotation angle of the arc.

Arc width (AW)

Width of the arc.

Arc height (AH)

Height of the arc.

Curve width (CW)

Extreme width of the curved bar.

Curved height (CH)

Extreme height of the curved bar.


Relative radius.


Relative length.

Spiral rounds (SR)

Rounds of the spiral bar.

Spiral pitch (SP)

Pitch of the spiral bar.

Spiral length (SL)

Distance between the reference points of the spiral bar.

Spiral total length (STL)

Total length of the spiral bar when the bar is installed on site.

Standard radius (RS)

Standard minimum bending radius.

The bending radius depends on the size and the grade of the bar.

Weight per length (WPL)

Weight per leg length.

Leg distance from leg (D)

Similar to Point/arc distance off from leg (H). The difference is that Point/arc distance off from leg (H) considers the bending radius, whereas Leg distance from leg (D) is measured from the sharp corner.

When the legs are parallel, both Leg distance from leg (D) and Point/arc distance off from leg (H) give the same result.

Point/arc distance along leg (K)

Distance parallel to a leg from outer edge to outer edge, or tangential to the bending.

The distances are positive or negative depending on the leg direction.


Point/arc distance off from leg (H)

Distance perpendicular to a leg from outer edge to outer edge, or tangential to the bending.

The distances are positive or negative depending on the leg direction.


Start hook (SH)

End hook (EH)

Hook angle (SHA, EHA)

Hook radius (SHR, EHR)

Hook straight length (SHS, EHS)

Hook length, method A (SHLA, EHLA)

Hook length, method B (SHLB, EHLB)

Start and end hook properties.

Use method A or B for the hook length calculation:

Constant angle

Constant value of the angle.

Enter the value in the rightmost box.

Constant radius

Constant value of the radius.

Enter the value in the rightmost box.

Custom properties, template attributes, user-defined attributes

The custom properties, template attributes, and user-defined attributes defined in the RebarShapeManager.CustomProperties.dat file appear at the end of the list and can be used like any other option.

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