Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures


Category in Advanced options dialog box: Speed and accuracy

Set this advanced option to TRUE to enable the detecting and fixing of the incorrect user-defined attribute (UDA) value types in Diagnose & repair > Diagnose and change attribute definitions.

The default value is TRUE.

If you edit the object.inp file by changing the UDA value type after the values are set, the UDA values of the incorrect types are not reported correctly, and you cannot change them.

When XS_DIAGNOZE_AND_REPAIR_WRONG_UDA_TYPE is set to TRUE, use can use Diagnose & repair > Diagnose and change attribute definitions to detect and repair the incorrect UDA value types by reverting the value types to the default values.


We recommend that you do not modify the value of this advanced option unless you are an experienced Tekla Structures user.

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