Global default environment settings - env_global_default.ini

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Global default environment settings - env_global_default.ini

The env_global_default.ini file defines the global defaults for advanced options. The file is read from ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments\common\.


Do not modify the env_global_default.ini file. If you need to modify some environment settings, copy the needed advanced options from this file to your user.ini file and modify the settings there, or modify the settings in the Advanced Options dialog box.

For advanced options that are set according to your local standards, see the environment settings file env_<environment name>.ini and the role settings file role_<role name>.ini. The local files override the advanced options set in env_global_default.ini.

If the advanced option in the env_global_default.ini file is preceded by rem , the software defaults are used and shown as the value. The outdated advanced options are listed at the end of the file.

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