Reserve the next write out and other improvements in Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Reserve the next write out and other improvements in Tekla Model Sharing

In Tekla Model Sharing , you can now reserve the next write out in a shared model. You can also create a model baseline using Sharing automation tool.

Reserve the next write out

In Tekla Model Sharing , you can now reserve the next write out in a shared model for sending your changes to the sharing service. Reserving the next write out is useful if you need to ensure that other users will not write out changes that would override the changes you are making. Such changes could be numbering the model or creating a model baseline, for example, or other changes that need to be available for all users of the model.

All users of a shared model can reserve the next write out , except users with the Viewer role. To reserve the next write out, on the File menu, click Sharing > Reserve next write out.

The Reserve next write out command opens the Reserve next write out dialog box where you need to enter a comment about why you are reserving the write out. Click Reserve to reserve the write out.

When you have reserved the next write out, the Write out icon on the Quick Access Toolbar shows a yellow arrow for all users of the model. Other users cannot write out while you have the next write out reserved. Placing the mouse pointer on top of the icon shows who has reserved the next write out and the comment that was written in the Reserve next write out dialog box.

When you have made your changes in the model, on the File menu, click Sharing > Write out. In the Reserve next write out dialog box, enter a comment about the changes and click Release. When you have written out, the arrow in the Write out icon changes to green again. Other users can now write out normally.

You can also release your write out reservation without writing out. To do this, on the File menu, click Sharing > Release reservation without write out.

Create a baseline using Sharing automation tool

If you are the Owner of a shared model, you can now use Sharing automation tool to create a baseline of the model when writing out. When you create a baseline, a full model is written out to the sharing service.

Sharing automation tool is available in the Applications & components catalog. To create a baseline when writing out, select Create baseline in the Sharing automation tool dialog box.

Improved and more robust performance in Tekla Model Sharing

Working with Tekla Model Sharing is now even more productive than before. Several improvements in change and conflict handling now result in more robust and reliable performance.

  • The list of read in changes is now more accurate as unnecessary change flags are not anymore shown for parts, assemblies and cast units, and part cuts.
  • Changes in the model folder are now more controlled.
  • Gaps in standard part numbering and renumber all have been addressed.
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