Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures


You can export reinforcement geometry to BVBS (Bundesvereinigung Bausoftware) format. The result is a text file in ASCII format. The supported version of the BVBS format is 2.0 year 2000.

You can export bent reinforcing bars, reinforcing bar groups and reinforcement meshes, which can be rectangular, polygonal, non-bent or bent, and may include cuts. The export of hooks is also supported.

Reinforcing bars that have bendings with two or more variable radius values are exported fully conforming with the BVBS specification so that radius element and leg elements are written separately. If this causes compatibility issues within your own environment and other tools using the BVBS files, you can still go back to the older way of exporting by setting the advanced option XS_BVBS_EXPORT_ARC_COMPATIBLE_TO_OLDER_METHOD to TRUE in an .ini file, for example, in user.ini.

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