Create an example interface

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Create an example interface

The following images and instructions illustrate how you can create user interfaces in Tedds.


The following only applies to Tedds for Word.

Example interface (SI units)

Example interface (US units)

1. Create a new interface

  1. In the Insert ribbon group, click User Interface.

    The Manage User Interfaces dialog box appears.

  2. Select where you want to insert the user interface and click New.

    The Tedds Interface Designer window opens, displaying an empty interface template.

2. Define the interface title, page title, and buttons

  1. Click the Interface Title field at the top left corner of the interface.
  2. In the field, type Steel Section Tie .
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Click the Click here to enter a page title field at the top right corner of the interface.
  5. In the field, type Design .
  6. Press Enter.
  7. Go to the property pane.
  8. In Buttons, select the Back Finish Cancel option.

3. Select the page layout

The example interface only requires 5 controls, so you can use a single interface page with a basic layout. Do the following:

  1. In the Page properties property pane, go to Layout.
  2. Click the ... button on the right side of the Layout property.

    The Select Page Layout dialog box opens.

  3. Double-click to select the 0 [14 Controls] option.

4. Create page description

  1. Click the Click here to enter page information field.
  2. In the field, type Enter tie details.

5. Create the first control

To create the example interface, you have to add five different controls. First, define the Minimum yield strength control. Do the following:

  1. On the current interface page, click Add Control.
  2. Click the Click here to enter a description field, and in the field, type Minimum yield strength
  3. Press Enter.
  4. In the Name field (either in the property pane or on the current page), type Fy.
  5. To use subscript in the variable name, highlight the letter y and click the X2 button on the right side of the Name field.

    The variable is now Fy.

  6. Press Enter.
  7. Click Units on the right side of the Default field and then, click the Units button.

    A unit list appears.

  8. Depending on the units that you want to use, in the unit list, do one of the following:
    1. Go to SI Units > Stress/pressure and select N/mm2.
    2. Go to US units > Stress/pressure and select ksi.
  9. Click the Default field, and in the field, define the default value as 275 (for N/mm2) or 36 (for ksi).

The first control should now appear as follows:

SI units:

US units:

6. Create the remaining controls

  1. Create the remaining controls according to the 5. Create the first control instructions. The properties for the remaining 3 controls are the following:
    Description Variable name Units (SI) Units (US) Default value
    Design tension Ft kN kips

    Not applicable

    Design compression Fc kN kips

    Not applicable

    Slenderness limit λL

    To access greek characters, click the Name field and then click the button. In the Name field, type the corresponding roman character (in this case, L).

    Not applicable

    Not applicable

  2. To create a check box, in the toolbar, click the arrow on the right side of Input.
  3. In the menu that appears, select Check Box.
  4. Define the check box properties as follows:
    Description Variable name Default value Checked Value Unchecked Value
    yielding tie yielding 1 0 1

7. Change the tab order of controls

By default, the user interface tabs between controls in the order that they were created. To change the tab order, do the following:

  1. Click the yielding tie control to adjust its properties.
  2. On the toolbar, click Move up twice.

    The yielding tie control moves above the Design compression control.

8. Condition the Design compression control

In the example, if the yielding tie check box is selected, the Design compression control should be disabled. To achieve this, do the following:

  1. On the interface page, click the Design compression control.
  2. Go to the property pane.
  3. In the Enable if field, type the name of the check box that the control depends on (yielding).

9. Use a custom template

If necessary, you can create a custom template to adjust the interface layout according to your needs. For more information, see: Create a custom page template.

10. Test and finalize the interface

  1. In the toolbar, click Close.
  2. In the calculation document, select and calculate the interface.
  3. Ensure that each control works as intended.
    If you need to modify the interface, do the following:
    1. In the Insert ribbon group, click User Interface.

      The Manage User Interfaces dialog box appears.

    2. In the Existing list, select the interface that you want to modify.

    3. Click Edit.

      The Tedds Interface Designer window opens, displaying the selected interface.

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