Dimensioning method of shapes, holes and recesses

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Dimensioning method of shapes, holes and recesses

The logic and functionality of shape dimensions, hole dimensions and recess dimensions in view-level dimensioning is clear and predictable. The definition, which geometry is shape, hole or recess is done only once for the object to be dimensioned, and that definition is used in all drawing views.

The definition of shape and hole is done by looking at the shadow of an object in three directions X, Y and Z in the following way:

  • Points along the outer edge of the shadow are dimensioned as a shape.

  • Inner loops in the shadow will be dimensioned as holes.

  • All other geometry points that are not visible in the shadow, will be dimensioned as recesses.

In the image below there are some examples of each geometry type:

  1. Holes
  2. Recesses
  3. Shapes


Below is an example of a shape in a model object and the dimensions in a drawing:

Below is an example of a hole in a model object and the dimensions in a drawing:

Below is an example of a recess in a model object and the dimensions in a drawing:

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