Share your model changes in Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Model Sharing

Share your model changes in Tekla Model Sharing

After you have modified your local version of the shared model, you can share your changes with other users who are working with the model.

To share your changes with other users, send your changes to the sharing service by writing them out.

To update your model with the changes done by other users, fetch the changes from the sharing service by reading them in. You always need to read in the most current changes to a model before you can write out.

To ensure that other users will not write out while you are making changes in the model, you can reserve the next write out.

Write out

  1. On the File menu, click Sharing > Write out , or click on the Quick Access Toolbar.

    The Write out icon shows a green arrow when there are no packets that need to be read in before you can write out. You can write out changes immediately.

    The Write out icon shows a gray arrow when there are packets that need to be read in before you can write out changes.

    When you write out, Tekla Structures saves the model, creates a packet of the model changes, writes out the changes to the sharing service and saves the model again.

    Only new or changed data is written out. If you attempt to write out your changes, but some other user has shared some changes earlier and you have not yet read in all the available updates, you are asked to read in first. If there is no new data to be read in, Tekla Structures writes out your changes to the sharing service immediately.

    If one of the users who shares the model has selected the Enable write out revision comment option in the Sharing settings dialog box, you can enter a code or a comment for the update that you are writing out.

    If you delete objects and share the deletion to the sharing service, the deletion is shared with other users, and the deleted objects cannot be recovered.

  2. Continue working with the model.

    Note that if several users modify the same objects at the same time, the model will contain the changes by the user who first wrote out the changes.

Read in

  1. On the File menu, click Sharing > Read in , or click on the Quick Access Toolbar.

    The Read in icon shows the number of packets that are available to be read in.

    If one of the users who shares the model has selected the Show available updates when reading in the changes option in the Sharing settings dialog box, the Available updates list opens after you have clicked the Read in icon.

    The dialog box lists all the available packets. You can read in the changes packet-by-packet, if you want to check the model changes in phases. If you want to receive all the updates at once, you can select the latest packet and all the previous packets are read in as well.

    When you read in, the updates to the shared model are delivered as incremental packets that only include the changed data. You need to read in all shared changes before you can again write out your own changes to the sharing service.

    If you have selected the Show changes after read in option in the Sharing settings dialog box, a list of sharing changes opens at the bottom pane after the selected packets are read in. The list shows the changes according to how they affect the model.

  2. Continue working with the model.

If you encounter problems with sharing, check the sharing related log files in the current model folder and in ..\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Tekla DataSharing for troubleshooting.

If Tekla Model Sharing detects changes that should not appear in the local version of the model after read in, Tekla Structures displays a message and the changes are recorded in the modelsharing.log. We recommend that you contact your local support to solve the issue.

Reserve the next write out

  1. On the File menu, click Sharing > Reserve next write out.
  2. In the Reserve next write out dialog box, write a comment about why you are reserving the next write out.
  3. Click Reserve.

    When you have reserved the next write out, the Write out icon on the Quick Access Toolbar shows a yellow arrow for all users of the model. Placing the mouse pointer on top of the icon shows who has reserved the next write out and the comment written in the Reserve next write out dialog box.

    Other users cannot write out while you have the next write out reserved. If another user has started writing out when you reserve the next write out, the write out of the other user is canceled only if data transfer has not started yet. The other user will get a notification if the write out is canceled.

  4. To write out the changes you have made, on the File menu, click Sharing > Write out.

    Note that you may need to read in before you can write out.

  5. In the Reserve next write out dialog box, enter a comment about the changes that you have made.
  6. Click Release.

    When you have written out, the arrow in the Write out icon on the Quick Access Toolbar changes to green again. Other users can now write out normally.

You can also release your write out reservation without writing out. To do this, on the File menu, click Sharing > Release reservation without write out. Note that if you do not write out or release the reservation within 24 hours, Tekla Structures will automatically release the reservation. An administrator can also release the write out reservation in Management Console for Tekla Model Sharing at any time.

Share your model changes automatically

If you want to automate sharing your model changes, you can use the Sharing automation tool from the Applications & components catalog.

The Sharing automation tool first reads in and then tries to write out the changes until it succeeds. The tool is useful if there are many packets to read in and you want to make sure you get the write out done, or if you want to have the packets read in when you arrive at the office.

You can also use the tool just to automate read in to keep your local model updated with changes made by other users of the model. You can select the date and set the time for the read in.

  1. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to open the Applications & components catalog.
  2. Define the settings that you want to use:
    Option Description
    Write out now until successful Select this option to write out your changes immediately. Note that before writing out, the tool reads in other users' changes.
    Create baseline If you are the Owner of the shared model, you can select this option to create a baseline when writing out.
    Close Tekla Structures after successful write out Select to close Tekla Structures after write out.

    Closing Tekla Structures releases licenses and may help with license management.

    Code Enter the code of the model, for example.
    Comment Enter a comment, if needed.
    Delayed read in at

    Select the date and set the time at which you want to read in. If you have not selected Write out now until successful , the tool only reads in.

    If you have selected Write out now until successful , the tool first reads in and writes out, and then starts waiting to read in at the set date and time.

    Using the tool to only read in can be useful if your local model has changes that you do not wish to share but you want to get changes from others.

  3. Click OK to start to tool.
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