Major Tedds field syntax

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Major Tedds field syntax

Using the particular Tedds field syntax allows you to create Tedds fields simply by modifying a field in your document. For more information on the particular syntax of each major Tedds field, see the following paragraphs.

The common syntax of all Tedds fields is the following:

{=CSC|CALL <particular Tedds field syntax>}

The elements are:

  • {} at the beginning and end of the call indicate that the text is a Word field.

  • =CSC|CALL means that the field is a Tedds field, rather than a result field or an error field.

  • The particular Tedds field syntax tells Tedds for Word which type of Tedds field it is to invoke, and gives Tedds for Word the information which it needs to create the Tedds field.

Input field syntax

The particular syntax for Input fields is the following:

Input(prompt, name, units, default, show)

The parameters are:
  • prompt

    is the prompt text displayed in the dialog box.

  • name

    is the name of the variable.

  • units

    are the units of the variable.

  • default

    is the default value of the variable.

  • show

    is the setting that defines whether the dialog box is displayed and what the initial value of the variable.

    (0 = Only if variable not defined, 1 = Always with current value, 2 = Always with default value, 3 = Use system option)


{=CSC|CALL Input("Length of beam ","L","m","1",1)}

Show field syntax

The particular syntax for Show fields is the following:

Show(text, show, log, resultsStyle)

The parameters are:
  • text

    is the text to show in the document as the field result.

  • show

    is an optional value which determines whether the show result is displayed.

    (0 = Hide, 1 = Display)

    The default value is 1.

  • log is an optional value that determines whether the show text is added to the Progress Log.

    If True (1), theShow field text is added to the Progress Log.

    The default value is 1.

  • resultsStyle

    is an optional value that determines whether to show the field result in the current final results style (1 = True), or the current paragraph style (0 = False).

    The default value is 1.


{=CSC|CALL Show("The value of L is "+string(L,"f0","m")+" m"")}

Message field syntax

The particular syntax for Message fields is the following:

Message(message, title, show)

The parameter are:
  • message

    is the message to show.

  • title

    is the title of the message box.

  • show

    is an optional flag that determines if the message is displayed.

    (0 = hide, 1 = display)


{=CSC|CALL Message("The value of L is "+string(L,"f0","m")+" m", "Length")}

Log field syntax

The particular syntax for Log fields is the following:


The parameters are:
  • text

    is the message to add to the Progress Log.


{=CSC|CALL LogText("The value of L is "+string(L,"f0","m")+" m")}

Excel Link field syntax

The particular syntax for Excel Link fields is the following:

Excel_Link(fileName, linkSheet, linkFromTedds, linkToTedds, showExcel, save, startMacro, endMacro, taskMacro, outputCellRef, waitForClose, readPassword, writePassword)

The parameters are:
  • fileName

    is the string that contains the full path to the Excel workbook file.

  • linksheet

    is an optional string that contains the name of the worksheet which includes the tables for linking variables to and from Excel.

  • linkFromTedds

    is an optional True/False value which determines if variables are linked from Tedds to Excel.

  • linkToTedds

    is an optional True/False value which determines if variables are linked from Excel to Tedds.

  • showExcel

    is an optional True/False value that determines if the Excel user interface is displayed.

  • save

    is an optional True/False value that determines if the workbook is saved after the linking process is finished.

    If this option is False, the workbook is opened in read-only mode.

  • startMacro

    is an optional string that contains the name of an Excel macro to run at the start of the linking process.
  • endMacro

    is an optional string that contains the name of an Excel macro to run at the end of the linking process.

  • taskMacro

    is an optional string that contains the name of an Excel macro to run during the linking process.

  • outputCellRef

    is an optional string that contains the cell reference to a region in the Excel workbook that is output to the field result as a table or chart.

    Note: If the outputCellRef parameter is used to output a table or chart to the document, the size of the image is determined by the Tedds sketch scale setting. For more information, see Sketch options.
  • waitForClose

    is an optional True/False value that determines if the field should wait for the workbook to be closed by the user before finishing the linking process.

  • readPassword

    is an optional string that contains the password to open a protected workbook.

    If the readPassword argument is omitted and the workbook requires a password, the user is prompted for the password.

  • writePassword

    is an optional string that contains the password required to write to a write-reserved workbook.

    If the writePassword argument is omitted and the workbook requires a password, the user is prompted for the password.

Data List field syntax

The particular syntax for Data List fields is the following:

DataList(fileName, defaultPage, defaultItem, prefix, suffix, itemVar, pageVar, show, output, prompt)

The parameters are:
  • fileName

    is the name of the data list file to be opened.

  • defaultPage

    is an optional name of the page to select by default if there is no selected page.

  • defaultItem

    is an optional formatted name of the item to select if there is no selected item.

  • prefix

    is optional text prefixed to the field result.

  • suffix

    is optional text appended to all variables names for the selection.

  • itemVar

    is an optional name of the variable to use for storing the selected item.

  • pageVar

    is an optional name of the variable to use for storing the selected page.

  • show

    is an optional condition that determines if the data list is shown.

    If True (1), the data list is always shown. If False (0), the data list is only shown if the current selection cannot be determined.

  • output

    is an optional condition that determines if text is output to the field result.

    (1 = append, 0 = discard)

  • prompt

    is the message prompt to display at the top of the Data List dialog box.


{=CSC|CALL DataList("Euro.dls", "Universal Beams", "457(152(52))", "I Section: ", "1", "selectedItem", "selectedPage", "Show", "Append", "Select an I section")}

Data Table field syntax

The particular syntax for Data Table fields is the following:

DataTable(filename(s), prefix, suffix, show, output)

The parameters are:
  • filename(s)

    is the name of the data table to be opened.

    Tip: To open more than one data table simultaneously, separate each file name with a comma.
  • prefix

    is optional text prefixed to the field result.

  • suffix

    is an optional text appended to all variables names for the selection.

  • show

    is an optional condition that determines if the data table is shown.

    If True(1), the data table is always shown. If False(0), the data table is only shown if the current selection cannot be determined.

    You can also use the pre-defined system variables Show and Hide for this parameter.

  • output

    is an optional condition that determines if text is output to the field result.

    (0 = discard, 1 = append)


{=CSC|CALL DataTable("5950-21a.tbl", "Example DataTable: ", "1", "Show", "Append")}

Data Graph field syntax

The particular syntax for Data Graph fields is the following:

DataGraph(fileName, prefix, suffix, var1, var2, show, output)

The parameters are:
  • fileName

    is the name of the data graph to be opened.

  • prefix

    is optional text prefixed to the field result.

  • suffix

    is optional text appended to all variables names for the selection.

  • var1

    is the name of the first variable to use for selection.

  • var2

    is the name of the second variable to use for selection.

  • show

    is an optional True/False condition that determines if the data graph should be shown.

    If True (1) the data graph is always shown. If False (0), the data graph is only shown if the current selection cannot be determined.

  • output

    is an optional condition that determines if text is output to the field result.

    (1 = append, 0 = discard)


{=CSC|CALL DataGraph("5950-21a.dgt","Example Datagraph: ","_{1}","","",Show,Append)}

Calc Item field syntax

The particular syntax for Calc Item fields is the following:

EvalCalcItem(fileName, itemName, output)

  • filename

    is the full path to the calculation library.

  • itemName

    is the name of the calculation item.

  • output

    determines whether to output (Append) or discard (Discard) the calculated item.


{=CSC|CALL EvalCalcItem("$(SysLbrDir)LibraryName.lbr", "ItemName", Discard)}

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