Get started with Tekla Warehouse
You can access Tekla Warehouse at To sign in to Tekla Warehouse, you need a Trimble Identity. For more information, see Create your Trimble Identity for Tekla products.
In Tekla Structures, you can access Tekla Warehouse in the following ways:
- On the File menu, click .
- In the Tekla Online side pane, use the Tekla Warehouse section to search Tekla Warehouse content.
Change the language in Tekla Warehouse
By default, the language of your browser is used in Tekla Warehouse. You can change the language of the Tekla Warehouse website at any time.
To change the language, select a language from the list at the top of the page. If Tekla Warehouse is not available in the selected language, English is used.
Content owners can optionally translate the information on the pages for their collections and content items. For more information, see Translate content information in Tekla Warehouse to other languages.