Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures


Category in Advanced options dialog box: Speed and accuracy

Use this advanced option to define the size of the solid object buffer. The value is the number of simple average solids. The buffer size setting depends on your environment.

Tekla Structures creates a buffer in system RAM to store the solid representation of parts it creates during certain processes. For example, Tekla Structures creates solid objects when numbering a model. When this buffer fills up, Tekla Structures erases the contents in order to continue using the buffer.

When you increase the buffer size, Tekla Structures keeps more solid objects in the memory, and does not have to recreate them so often. Increasing this value also increases the memory used by the processes. Decreasing this value decreases the memory requirements, but also the performance as Tekla Structures has to recreate solid objects more often.

Testing various settings is the best way to optimize the solid object buffer size. Remember that opening Tekla Structures windows uses some RAM, and that other programs also use RAM for various processes.

For optimum performance for large models under restricted memory conditions, consider having the solid cache size in between 0.2 - 5 * the number of parts in your model. To find out the number of parts in the model, go to the Edit tab and click Inquire > Model size.

In 64-bit machines you do not usually have to change the default value. If the amount of memory is large, keep the buffer size at least as large as the number of parts in the model.

This advanced option is user specific and the setting is saved in options.bin under the user folder, for example, in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\UserSettings. Restart Tekla Structures to activate the new value.

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