Add level attributes in automatic part marks

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Add level attributes in automatic part marks

You can add level attributes, such as TOP_LEVEL, BOTTOM_LEVEL, ASSEMBLY_TOP_LEVEL, ASSEMBLY_BOTTOM_LEVEL, and ASSEMBLY.MAIN_PART.TOP_LEVEL, in part marks as user-defined attributes.

The level attributes take the dimension format from the MarkDimensionFormat.dim file. If you want, you can also change the dimension format in the Dimension Properties dialog box in an open drawing and load the changed dimension properties in the dimensioning rule that you use for creating dimensions in a view.

You can add level attributes in automatic and manual marks.

To change the dimension format and add level attributes:

  1. In an open drawing, on the Drawing tab, click Properties > Dimension.
  2. Select MarkDimensionFormat from the properties file list at the top, and click Load.
  3. Change the unit, precision and format as desired.

  4. Click Save to save the changes in the MarkDimensionFormat file, and then click Cancel to close the dialog box.
  5. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the drawing type.
  6. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as possible.
  7. Click View creation in the options tree on the left, select the view and the properties that you want to change, and click View properties.
  8. Click Part markPart mark.
  9. In part mark properties, double-click the User-defined attribute element to add it to the mark.
  10. Enter a user-defined attribute name in the Mark content - user defined attribute dialog box.
    and/or the following:


  11. Click Dimensioning in the options tree.
  12. Select a dimension rule from the list and click Edit rule.
  13. Select MarkDimensionFormat from the Dimension properties list.
  14. Save the dimensioning rule by clicking Save and click Close.
  15. Save the view properties clicking Save.
  16. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the drawing.


In the following example, TOP_LEVEL and ASSEMBLY_TOP_LEVEL have been added in the mark.

In the following example, the top level of the part itself (TOP_LEVEL), the top level of the assembly (ASSEMBLY_TOP_LEVEL), and the top level of the assembly main part (ASSEMBLY.MAIN_PART.TOP_LEVEL) have been added in the mark.

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