
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures


Use AutoDefaults to set up properties for existing connections. AutoDefaults allows you to modify the default connection properties and save them for use in specific circumstances. When you use AutoDefaults, Tekla Structures automatically creates the connections with the predefined AutoDefaults properties. You can also use AutoDefaults for a single connection.

For example, you can use AutoDefaults to automatically adjust the thickness of each base plate you create, according to the main part profile. If the main part profile changes, Tekla Structures automatically adjusts the thickness of the base plate.


Before using AutoDefaults in a working model, we recommend that you create a test model, and create all the connection conditions in it that you need for a particular project. You can then use this test model to check the rules and properties of various connection types. It also acts as a quick reference for connection information.

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