Snap to positions

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Snap to positions

Most commands ask you to pick points to place objects in the model or drawing. This is called snapping. When you are creating a new object, Tekla Structures displays snap symbols and snap tooltips for the available snap points and a light gray line between the snap point and the last point picked.

Use the snap switches on the Snapping toolbar to control which positions you can snap to.

For example, you can snap to

  • different points, such as end points and midpoints

  • centers

  • intersections

  • lines and edges

  • dimensions and mark lines, drawing layout items and drawing frames

If you want to use exact distances or coordinates when snapping to positions, use numeric snapping.

With the combination of different snapping tools, you can, for example, snap to the closest orthogonal point on the plane, both in the model and in the drawings. Additionally, you can follow a line and pick a point at a specified distance along the line, or create a temporary reference point to use as a local origin, both in the model and in the drawings.

Tekla Structures displays snap dimensions in the model, which means you can easily create objects of a desired length. Use the advanced option XS_​DISPLAY_​DIMENSIONS_​WHEN_​CREATING_​OBJECTS to switch the snap dimensions on or off.


Use the snapping keyboard shortcuts to speed up your work.

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