Snap to lines, edges, and extension lines

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Snap to lines, edges, and extension lines

You can snap to lines when you model objects that should be lined up with an existing object or with a grid line. You can also snap to the extension lines of part reference lines, or to the extension lines of nearby objects' reference lines.

Snap to a line or an edge

Use the Snap to line snap switch when you need to snap to another line in the model. You can snap to grid lines, reference lines, and the edges of existing objects.

Use the Snap to line snap switch when you need to create, for example, several beams one after another on a grid line. With the Snap to line snap switch you do not need separately pick the start point and the end point of the beam.

  1. Ensure that the Snap to line snap switch is active.
  2. Run a command that requires you to pick two or more points.

    For example, start creating a beam. When you move the mouse pointer over a grid line or a nearby object, Tekla Structures automatically picks both ends of the line. The yellow arrow symbol indicates the direction of the points.

  3. To switch direction, move the mouse pointer closer to the opposite end of the line.
  4. Click the left mouse button to confirm the snap position.

    Tekla Structures creates the object. For example:


If you use the Snap to line snap switch with a command that requires only one point to be picked, for example when creating a column, only the start point of the line is used to position the part.

Snap to extension lines

Use the Snap to extension lines snap switch when you need to snap to the extensions of the part reference lines, which are the lines between part handles, or to the extensions of nearby objects' reference lines. The extension line is shown as a blue, dashed line.

The Snap to extension lines snap switch works with beams, polybeams, plates, and slabs.

  • With beams, the extension line is the line that passes through both of the part handles.

  • With polybeams, plates, and slabs, the extension lines are the lines that pass through to the consecutive part handles.

  • With beams and polybeams, you can snap to the line that passes through the handle at the end of the beam, and which is perpendicular to the direction of the beam.

  • When you snap to the extension lines of nearby objects, the extension line snaps to the direction of the nearby object and the extension line indicates the direction that is followed in snapping. Snapping to the extension lines of nearby objects can be useful, for example, when you want to align objects with one another.


The Snap to reference lines and points and Snap to geometry lines and points snap switches do not affect the Snap to extension lines snap switch.

  1. Ensure that the correct snap switches are active:
    • Switch on Snap to extension lines.

    • Switch on either Snap to intersection points or Snap to nearest points (points on line) if you are snapping to the intersection of an extension line and a grid line.

    • Switch off Snap to end points if you are working in 3D.

  2. Run a command that requires you to pick points.

    For example, start creating a beam, a plate, or slab.

  3. Move the mouse pointer over an existing object to see the extension lines.

    When a line is found, you can move the pointer further away while keeping the snap.

  4. Pick the rest of the points.

    Tekla Structures creates the object:

Lock X, Y, or Z coordinate on a line

You can lock the x, y, and z coordinates on a line. This is useful when you need to determine a point to pick and the needed point does not exist on the line. When a coordinate is locked, you can only snap to points in that direction.

  1. Run a command that requires you to pick positions.

    For example, start creating a beam.

  2. Lock a coordinate:
    • To lock the x coordinate, press X.

    • To lock the y coordinate, press Y.

    • To lock the z coordinate, press Z.

    Now you can only snap to points in the chosen direction.

    Tekla Structures indicates the locked coordinate with the letters X, Y, or Z in the status bar at the bottom of the Tekla Structures main window.

  3. To unlock the coordinate, press the same letter (X, Y, or Z) again.

Align objects using a snap grid

A snap grid makes it easier to align objects in a model, because it allows you to snap to positions only at set intervals. Use a snap grid when you pick points using the Snap to any position snap switch.

  1. On the File menu, click Settings > Snap settings.
  2. Define the grid spacing intervals in the Spacing boxes.

    For example, if the spacing of the x coordinate is 500, you can snap to positions at intervals of 500 units in the x direction.

  3. If needed, define offsets for the snap grid origin in the Origin boxes.
  4. To activate the snap grid, select the Active (when free snap is on) check box.
  5. Click OK.

    Now when you pick points using the Snap to any position snap switch, you can only snap to positions at set intervals. The snap grid itself is invisible in the model.

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