Delete a load group

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Delete a load group

You can delete one or several load groups at a time.


When you delete a load group, Tekla Structures also deletes all the loads in the load group.

If you try to delete the only load group, Tekla Structures will warn you. At least one load group must exist.

  1. On the Analysis & design tab, click Load groups.
  2. In the Load Groups dialog box:
    1. Select the load group you want to delete.

      To select multiple load groups, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key.

    2. Click Delete.
  3. If there are loads in any of the deleted load groups, Tekla Structures displays a warning dialog box.

    Do one of the following:

    • Click Cancel to not delete the load group and the loads in the load group.

    • Click Delete to delete the load group and the loads in the load group.

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