Input files used in the import of user-defined attribute (UDA) values are text files, which are delimited by a comma, tab, semi-colon, space or a user-defined delimiter. The input files contain the names and values of the user-defined attributes to be imported to the Tekla Structures model.
In the input file, the column headings must contain the names of properties and user-defined attributes in model objects and drawings. The remaining lines contain the values of the properties and user-defined attributes.
You must include at least one key field as a column heading. Key fields are drawing or model object properties. Tekla Structures uses the key fields to identify the model objects or drawings to which the user-defined attributes are assigned.
The key fields for model objects are:
Key field
Tekla Structures assigns the user-defined attributes on this line in the input file to the model object that has a GUID value of ID4FEAFC88-0000-0004-3133-343038303031.
Tekla Structures assigns the user-defined attributes on this line in the input file to the assembly that has an ASSEMBLY_POS value of A3.
Repeat this line for each assembly you want to include.
Tekla Structures assigns the user-defined attributes on this line in the input file to the assembly that has a PHASE value of 2.
You must also use ASSEMBLY_POS as a key field with this option.
The key fields for drawing objects are:
Key field
A D4
Tekla Structures assigns the user-defined attributes on this line in the input file to the drawing that has a TYPE value of A and a MARK value of D4.
Use both key fields in the input file.
Tekla Structures assigns the user-defined attributes in this line in the input file to the drawing object that has an ID value of 134.
If you want to use user-defined attributes of other value types than the string in the input file, you need to define them in the import_macro_data_types.dat file, located in the C:\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments\common\system folder.
If you use Microsoft Excel to create the input file, save the file with the Save as command to Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt) format.