Use analysis restraints |
Set to Yes to use the analysis properties of the connection or detail in the analysis instead of the analysis properties of the parts in the connection. You also need to set Member end release method by connection to Yes in the Analysis Model Properties dialog box when you create the analysis model.
For more information , see Analysis model properties.
Member selection |
Use to associate the analysis properties with each connection part ( Primary , 1. secondary , 2. secondary , and so on). |
Restraint combination |
For more information , see Defining support conditions. |
Support condition |
Longitudinal member offset |
For more information , see Analysis part properties. |
Analysis profile |
Tekla Structures uses this profile in the analysis instead of the one in the physical model to take the stiffness of the connection or detail into account. |
Analysis profile length |
In the analysis, Tekla Structures overrides the profile of the part in the physical model for this length. |