Measure distances and angles

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Measure distances and angles

To know the exact distances or angles between different points in the model, you can use the Tekla Structural Designer measuring commands. You can find the measuring commands on the Model tab, in the Miscellaneous group.

Measure distances

To measure the distance between any two points in the model, see the following instructions.

  1. On the Model tab, click Measure.
  2. Click a node to define the start position.
  3. Click a second node to define the end position.

    The distance between the nodes is displayed in the current view. To clear the measurement, press Esc.

Measure angles


You can only measure angles in 2D Views.

  1. On the Model tab, click Measure Angle.
  2. Click a node to define the arc center.
  3. Click a second node to define the start position.
  4. Click a third node to define the end position.

    The clockwise angle between the start and end position is displayed in the current view. To clear the measurement, press Esc.

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