Copy or modify slab and foundation reinforcement

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Copy or modify slab and foundation reinforcement

You can graphically review and modify the bar/mesh size and spacing applied in each layer and direction for slab items, mats, patches and isolated foundations. Tekla Structural Designer also allows you to copy reinforcement from one slab item, mat, patch or isolated foundation to another.

Tip: If you open two Review Views side by side, you can then use the first one to modify the reinforcement while displaying the design status in the second one. This way, each change you make to the reinforcement immediately updates the design status.

Copy reinforcement

  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review tab, either:
    1. Click Auto/Check Design, or,
    2. Click Show/Alter State and choose Autodesign from the Attribute list.

    Members and slabs are color coded according to their auto design setting.

  3. Ensure that auto design is set off for the slab items and patches that you want to modify.
  4. On the Review tab, click Slab / Foundation Reinforcement.
  5. Go to the Properties window.
  6. Set Entity type to either Slab Item, Slab Patch or Isolated Foundation, depending on the reinforcement that you want to copy.
  7. In Reinforcement Direction, select the direction that you want to modify.
  8. In Surface, select the slab layer that you want to modify.
  9. Click the slab item or patch whose reinforcement you want to copy.
  10. Click the slab items or patches to which you want to copy the reinforcement.

    The slab reinforcement is copied to the selected slab items or patches.

    Tip: To ensure that the updated reinforcement is sufficient, in the Slab/Mat Design group, click Status.

Modify reinforcement

  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review tab, either:
    1. Click Auto/Check Design, or,
    2. Click Show/Alter State and choose Autodesign from the Attribute list.

    Members and slabs are color coded according to their auto design setting.

  3. Ensure that auto design is set off for the slab items and patches that you want to modify.
  4. On the Review tab, click Slab / Foundation Reinforcement.
  5. Go to the Properties window.
  6. Set Entity type to either Slab Item, Slab Patch or Isolated Foundation, depending on the reinforcement that you want to modify.
  7. In Reinforcement Direction, select the direction that you want to modify.
  8. In Surface, select the slab layer that you want to modify.
  9. If you want to modify bars, in Bar Parameters, select the properties that you want to modify.
  10. In Apply, select the bar properties that you want to apply to the slab.
  11. Click the slab item or patch whose reinforcement you want to update.
    Tip: To ensure that the updated reinforcement is sufficient, in the Slab/Mat Design group, click Status.
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