View the transaction history of a purchase order

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

View the transaction history of a purchase order

Use the Transaction History dialog box to view all transactions in a purchase order. You can also view further transaction details and item history, and view or print different transaction history reports.

  1. In the PO # dialog box, click the Purchase Order ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Transaction History.

    The Transaction History dialog box opens on the Transaction List tab.

  3. To filter the displayed transactions, use the fields in the Estimating Filters section of the dialog box:
    1. Click Edit next to a filtering option.

      The available filtering criteria are the transaction date, the name of the user that made the transaction, the transaction type, and the operation type.

    2. Do one of the following:
      • For transaction date, enter the start and end dates to define a range within which the transactions have taken place.

      • For user, transaction type, and operation type, use the arrow buttons to move the desired items to the Included list.

    3. Click OK.

      To view all transactions again, click Reload.

  4. To view more information about a transaction, do the following:
    1. Click to select the transaction on the Transaction List tab.
    2. Click the Transaction Details tab to view the details of the selected transaction.
    3. Click the Item History tab to view the item history of the selected transaction.

Find a transaction by transaction number

  1. On the Transaction List tab, click Find Transaction #.
  2. Enter the transaction number in the field.
  3. Click OK.

The transaction with the selected transaction number is selected on the Transaction List tab.

Create transaction history reports

  1. Click the Transaction History ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Reports.
  3. To only include specific items in the transaction history report, select a filter type in the Type list, and click Select.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • For dates, select the start and end dates in the calendar to define a range within which the transactions have taken place.

      You can also select the Expression check box to create expressions that allow you to set the base date and the number of days before or after that date.

    • For other filter types, use the arrow buttons to move the desired items to the Included list.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Make Report.
  7. In the Report Selection dialog box, select the report that you want to view or print.
  8. Do any of the following:


    Do this

    View the report

    • In the Report Selection dialog box, click View.

    Print the report

    1. In the Report Selection dialog box, change the number of the printed copies by clicking the + and - buttons.

    2. If necessary, click Select Printer, select which device you want to use for printing, and click OK.

      You can also select Default Printer to always use the default printer with this report, or No Printer to reset the current printer.

    3. Click Print.

    4. Click Yes.

    Export the report

    1. Click Export.

    2. In the Export Format list, select an export format.

    3. Click Browse.

    4. Browse to the location where you want to save the exported file, and click Save.

    5. Modify the file name according to your needs.

    6. To attach the exported file to a Microsoft Outlook email and send it to a recipient, select the Attach to Email check box.

    7. To open the file after exporting it, select the Open Exported Document check box.

    8. Click Export.

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