Check the model
You can use a variety of tools to check and view the model, and to ensure the model does not contain errors.
To quickly search for objects in the entire model or within the selected model objects, see Search for model objects.
To take snapshots and to create animations that demonstrate the design and build options of your model and use them in your presentations, see Visualize the model.
To travel through the model by using the Fly command, see Fly through the model. If you need to focus in on required details in the model, see Create clip planes. To show parts in a selected view angle, see Show parts, components, or assemblies in a selected view angle.
Use the different Inquire commands to get particular information about model objects, as described in Inquire object properties.
Use the Measure commands to measure, for example, distances, as described in Measure objects.
To find colliding objects in a model, see Detect clashes.
To check the inconsistencies in a model, you can compare selected parts or assemblies, view solid errors in a log file, or diagnose and repair the model to check and repair errors, or to find distant objects. For instructions, see Compare parts or assemblies, View solid errors, Diagnose and repair the model and Find distant objects.