Tower 1 diagonal (87)

Tekla Structures
Modifierad: 8 mar 2024
Tekla Structures

Tower 1 diagonal (87)

Tower 1 diagonal (87) creates a single bolt group that connects one diagonal L profile brace to an L profile tower leg. To create the bolts, you need to define the bolt gage lines and edge distances, and specify the location of individual bolts.

Objects created

  • Bolts

    Note that this component does not create any bolts by default. You must define the bolts that are created.

Use for

Situation Situation

Selection order

  1. Select the tower leg (main part).

  2. Select the brace (secondary part).

    The connection is created automatically when the secondary part is selected.

Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define the bolt creation, location, and bolting direction.




Select whether the secondary part is fitted.

Define the fitting distance from the last bolt to the edge of the secondary part.


Distance from the center of the bolt to the edge of the brace


Distance between the bolts

If you do not enter any dimensions, the default values defined in the gauge_lines.dat file are used.

Bolt location

  • Enter 0 to create a bolt at the intersection of gage lines.

  • Enter 1 or a higher value to move the bolt along the gage line, away from the end of the brace.

  • To move a bolt towards the edge of the brace, enter a negative value, for example -10.

Bolting direction




Bolting direction 1

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Bolting direction 1

Bolting direction 2

Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to define the cut of the horizontal leg of the brace, and the dimensions of the cut.




Define the cut angle.


Cut dimension of the brace


Clearance to the edge of the tower leg


Cut options

Use the Always cut option to cut the braces and to create the clearance to the bottom of the tower leg. This option overrides the bolt edge distances defined on the Picture tab.

Bolts tab

Use the Bolts tab to define the bolt properties.

Bolt basic properties




Bolt size

Bolt diameter.

Available sizes are defined in the bolt assembly catalog.

Bolt standard

Bolt standard to be used inside the component.

Available standards are defined in the bolt assembly catalog.


Gap between the bolt and the hole.

Thread in mat

Defines whether the thread may be within the bolted parts when bolts are used with a shaft.

This has no effect when full-threaded bolts are used.



Location where the bolts should be attached.


Bolt assembly

The selected check boxes define which component objects (bolt, washers, and nuts) are used in the bolt assembly.

If you want to create a hole only, clear all the check boxes.

To modify the bolt assembly in an existing component, select the Effect in modify check box and click Modify.

Slotted holes



Vertical dimension of the slotted hole

The default value 0 creates a round hole.


Horizontal dimension of the slotted hole

The default value 0 creates a round hole.

Bolt length increase

Define how much the bolt length is increased. Use this option when, for example, painting requires the bolt length to be increased.

Bolt length

Define the length of the bolts.

Extra cuts tab

Use the Extra cuts tab to define the cut of the vertical leg of the brace, and the dimensions of the cut.




Vertical cut dimension


Horizontal cut dimension

Check tab

Use the Check tab to check the distance between bolts and the edge distance of the bolts.

Bolt distances

Filler tab

Use the Filler tab to define the shim plate creation and properties.

Part properties

Option Description

How to create filler

Select whether to create the shim plate as a Profile, Several profiles, or select ASCII file name to use definitions from a file.

If you select Not, the shim plate is not created.


When you create the shim plate as Profile, define the thickness, width, and height of the shim plate.

Thickness list

When you create the shim plate as Several profiles, enter the shim plate thicknesses here.

Define the width and height of the shim plate.

File name

When you create the shim plate by selecting ASCII file name, enter the file name here or select the file that you want to use.

Define the width and height of the shim plate.





Prefix and start number for the part position number.

Some components have a second row of fields where you can enter the assembly position number.

The default part start number is defined in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Material grade.

The default material is defined in the Part material box in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Name that is shown in drawings and reports.


Part class number.


Add a comment about the part.

General tab

Click the link below to find out more:

General tab

Analysis tab

Click the link below to find out more:

Analysis tab

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