Tekla Tedds Integrator Reference Document

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word


The Tekla Tedds Integrator is a Tekla Structures extension which adds features for linking Tekla Tedds calculations to the objects in a Tekla Structures model. Tedds includes a built-in library of structural engineering calculations which can be used to produce high quality calculation documentation for a wide variety of structural building elements which are compliant with a range of regional design codes.

The Integrator can also be used to link user written custom calculations.

Open Integration Framework

The Tekla Tedds Integrator uses an open framework for linking specific Tedds calculations to structural objects in a Tekla Structures model. The framework is based on three fundamental systems:

  1. Structural Identity
  2. Data transfer
  3. Data conversion

Data Files

Each part of the system is configured using data files which are stored in one of two locations, the System location which contains the files for those calculations already supported by the Tekla Tedds Integrator and the User location where you can configure your own integrations.

Each location has a hierarchy of folders for storing the various data files used to configure the different parts of the system. Within each folder files can be stored at either the root level for the default configuration or within subfolders for either design code specific data or Tekla Structures specific data.

System Data Location

C:\Program Files\Tekla Structures\<TSVERSION>\bin\Env\TeklaTeddsIntegrator
where <TSVERSION> is the version number of the Tekla Structures version you are using, e.g. “2024.0” for TS 2024.

User Data Location

C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<TSVERSION>\TeklaTeddsIntegrator
where <USERNAME> is the name you use to login to Windows and <TSVERSION> is the version number of Tekla Structures you are using.

Note: These paths assume Tekla Structures is installed to the default location and apply to TS 2024 onwards where the installation includes the Integrator (for older versions using the TSEP the paths are different). You can use the buttons in the Tekla Tedds Integrator Options dialog to open the relevant locations on your machine in Windows File Explorer. (The Options dialog can be opened from the Tools menu of the Tekla Tedds tab on the Tekla Structures ribbon).


Identity Providers\


Data Providers\


Type Converters\


Structural Identity

The purpose of the structural identity system is to identify the Part or Component that is selected in a model in order to associate that object with a specific Tedds calculation and to transfer data to that calculation.

Structural identity is achieved using an Identity Provider. The identity provider interrogates the properties of a model object in order to determine what type of structural element it is, for example a Steel Beam, a Concrete Column or a Masonry Wall.

Structural identities are defined by the files in the Identity Providers folder. Identities are organised using a single subfolder for Components and multiple subfolders for Parts, one per Part type (e.g. Beam, CountourPlate, etc.)

An identity is determined by comparing the values of specific properties on a model object using a logical expression. The expression is written in Tedds expression format and can use any operators, mathematical symbols, functions, values and units which are supported by Tedds.

To compare values for equality use “==” rather than “=”

Data Format

StructuralIdentity1 = LogicalExpression
StructuralIdentity2 = LogicalExpression

Example - IdentityProviders\Beam\ConcreteMembers.txt

ConcreteCastInPlaceBeamRectangular = And(
    Type == "BEAM",
    And(Material.Type == "MATERIAL_CONCRETE",
        CastUnitType == "CAST_IN_PLACE"),
    Profile.ProfileItemSubType == "PROFILE_PL_DEFAULT")

When writing expressions to match a Component it is recommended that, where possible, both the component name and the component number are used to ensure that the component is identified uniquely.

Example - IdentityProviders\Component\ConcreteWall.txt

ConcreteCastInPlaceWall = And(Number == -100000, Name == "WallLayout")

Data Transfer

The purpose of the data transfer system is twofold, firstly to associate a structural identity with a specific Tedds calculation and then secondly to transfer data between the model object and the calculation.

Data transfer is achieved using a Data Provider. The data provider specifies the structural identity it applies to and which calculation it transfers data for. The remaining configuration is then responsible for creating assignments for each input variable in the calculation which has a corresponding data property in the model object. The assignments are split into sections, tagged to indicate the direction of transfer - either TS to Tedds or from Tedds back to TS.

Data Providers are defined by the files in the Data Providers folder. Data providers are organised using a single file for each data provider.

When referencing the properties of the TS object any property or child property of the object which is defined in the Tekla Structures API or any User Defined Attribute can be referenced as long as the properties data type is an Int, Double, Float, String or Enum. Enum values are returned using their equivalent name as a string value in uppercase.

If a numerical property represents a value that has units then the units must be explicitly declared after the name of the property so that the units are assigned to the Tedds variable, e.g. “Profile.b mm”.

If a string property needs to be assigned to a Tedds variable as a numerical value then use the Tedds function Eval(...) to convert the string to the numerical equivalent. For example if a component had  a “Spacing” property with a text value of “600” then use “Eval(Spacing) mm”.

The Integrator extends some model objects to provide additional properties which can make integration with Tedds simpler. These include MaterialString and Profile.

You can see a list of the available properties for a selected model object by opening the Tekla Tedds Integrator Object Browser dialog (from the Tools menu of the Tekla Tedds tab on the Tekla Structures ribbon).

Data Format


Variable1 = Property1
Variable2 = Property2 units

Property1 = Variable1
Property2 units = Variable2

Note: the ";[TOTEDDS]" tag line can optionally be omitted if this section immediately follows the calculation definition (as is the case here).

Example - DataProviders\ConcreteCastInPlaceBeamRectangular.txt

$(SysLbrDir)RC member design-EN1992-si-engb.lbr
RC beam design

_SectionType_{s1} = "Rectangular"
_ConcreteClass = Material.Grade
b_{s1} = Profile.b mm
h_{s1} = Profile.h mm

Material.Grade = _ConcreteClass
Profile.b mm = b_{s1}
Profile.h mm = h_{s1}

Data Conversion

Inevitably when working with two different applications, one application will sometimes define data differently to the other. The purpose of the data conversion system is to convert string properties on the TS model object to the equivalent value required by the Tedds calculation.
Data conversion is achieved using a Type Converter. A type converter is a list of TS values with an equivalent Tedds value for each one.
Type converters are defined by the files in the Type Converters folder.

Data Format

TSValue1 = TeddsValue1
TSValue2 = TeddsValue2
TSValue3 = TeddsValue3

Example  - Eurocode\ConcreteGrades.txt

C12 = C12/C15
C16 = C16/20
C20 = C20/25


The Integrator has several settings which can be modified via the Options dialog (which can be opened from the Tools menu of the Tekla Tedds tab on the Tekla Structures ribbon). When writing new integrations enabling these settings, for example to enable logging, can help to diagnose problems. Tekla Structures must be restarted for some setting changes to take effect.

Note: User-edited settings are stored in a configuration file located at “C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<TSVERSION>\TeklaTeddsIntegrator\TeklaIntegrator.dll.config” where <USERNAME> is the name you use to login to Windows and <TSVERSION> is the version number of Tekla Structures you are using. This file is generated the first time a setting is changed via the Options dialog. It can subsequently be edited in Notepad or a similar text editor as an alternative to using the Options dialog.


Setting name: Enable logging
Setting values:

  • False - Logging is disabled
  • True - Logging is enabled. A record of actions taken by the Tekla Tedds Integrator will be recorded to the log file. The log file will be created at “C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<TSVERSION>\TeklaTeddsIntegrator” where <USERNAME> is the name you use to login to Windows and <TSVERSION> is the version number of Tekla Structures you are using. You can open this folder from the button in the Options dialog.


Setting name: Delete log file on close
Setting values:

  • False - When logging is enabled the log file is not deleted when The Tekla Tedds Integrator is shut down.
  • True - When logging is enabled the log file is deleted when The Tekla Tedds Integrator is shut down


Setting name: Timestamp log entries
Setting values:

  • False - No timestamps are included in the log.
  • True - A timestamp is included at the start of each line in the log to indicate when it was recorded.


Setting name: Display log when mapping errors are encountered
Setting values:

  • False - Don't automatically display the log file.
  • True - When errors are encountered during property mappings, the log file will be shown automatically.

Data Files

Setting name: Reload all data files before performing each integration
Setting values:

  • False - IdentityProviders, DataProviders and TypeConverters are loaded the first time any command is used and will only be reloaded after Tekla Structures is shut down.
  • True - Every time a command is used which uses the information in the IdentityProviders, DataProviders and TypeConverters, the data files will be reloaded. Enable this setting when modifying data files so that your changes will be reflected the next time you use a command in the Tekla Tedds Integrator.


In this step by step tutorial you will create a new integration link between Tekla Structures and Tekla Tedds which will link a Pad Footing to a new custom calculation which will calculate the volume of the footing. The calculation itself is extremely basic and is only meant to illustrate the integration process and not the process of writing Tedds calculations.

Step 1 - Writing a simple calculation

The first step requires you to create a very basic calculation which expects three inputs, the height, length and width of a footing, in order to calculate the volume of that footing.

H = ? mm
L = ? mm
W = ? mm
Volume = L * W * H = ? mm3

  1. Open Tedds for Word
  2. Copy and Paste the calculation above into the empty document
  3. Select the calculation in the document
  4. Open the Library Access System
  5. Open the View menu and if the first command listed is Advanced Menus select that command
  6. Open the File menu and select New Blank Set
  7. Open the Edit menu and select New Item
  8. In the Name box enter “Volume of footing
  9. For the Library click the Select button and then in the File name box enter “FootingCalcs.lbr” and click OK
  10. Click OK to add the new Calc Item


Tekla Tedds Integrator v4 Step 1.gif


You have now written and saved a Tedds calculation to a new Calc Library ready for integrating.

Step 2 - Writing an Identity Provider

In this step you will create a new Identity Provider for Tekla Structures Pad Footings.

  1. Open the User data location (defined earlier in this document) then open the Identity Providers folder
  2. Create a New Text Document named “Beam.txt”. The name should be the type of the TS part, in this case footings are actually modelled as beam objects.
  3. Open the new text file in Notepad or a similar text editor
  4. Enter the following expression

    PadFooting =(Type == "PAD_FOOTING")

  5. Save the file


Step 2.gif


You’ve now written an identity provider. If you select a pad footing in your TS model and use the new Tedds document command the Integrator will correctly identify the object you’ve selected as a pad footing, however at this stage there is no associated calculation so the Integrator doesn’t yet know which calculation you want to use.

Step 3 - Linking an Identity Provider to a Data Provider

In this step you will create a new Data Provider which will link pad footing objects which are identified by the IdentityProvider you created in Step (2) to the calculation you created in Step (1).

  1. Open the User data location (defined earlier in this document) then open the Data Providers folder
  2. Create a New Text Document named “PadFooting.txt
  3. Open the new file in Notepad or a similar text editor
  4. Enter the following text

    Volume of footing

    H = Length mm
    L = Profile.b mm
    W = Profile.h mm

  5. Save the file


Tekla Tedds Integrator v4 Step 3.gif


You’ve now written a Data Provider which will run the calculation you created in step (1). The First line defines the name of the IdentityProvider you created in step (2). The second and third lines define the Calc Library file name and Calc Item name respectively which you created in step (1). The remaining lines create variables in the Tedds calculation which are assigned values from the TS model object.

In Tekla Structures select the Concrete tab on the ribbon, add a new Pad Footing and make sure it is selected. Now select the Tekla Tedds tab on the ribbon and use the New command. If you’ve written and saved everything correctly the properties “Length”, “Profile.b” and “Profile.h” will be read from the selected footing in your model and assigned to the Tedds variables “H”, “L” and “W” respectively, your custom Tedds calculation will be calculated and you will be prompted to save the created document. To view the final output use the Tekla Tedds Integrator's “Open” command.


In this tutorial you’ve written a new Tedds calculation (albeit extremely simple), created a new Identity Provider and created a new Data Provider which associates Pad Footings with your new calculation and transfers the data required by your calculation.

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