Message fields

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Create Message fields

  1. In the Insert ribbon group, click Tedds field.

    The Insert Tedds field dialog box appears, displaying the Input tab.

  2. Click the Message tab.

    The following view appears.

  3. In the Type list, select the type of field which you want to create.
    • Select Simple to add a fixed message into your calculations.
    • Select Value of variable to add a message indicating the value of a variable into your calculations.
    • Select Condition to add a different message into your calculations depending on whether a condition is met.
    • Select Advanced to add a different message into your calculations depending on whether one or more conditions are met.

Create Simple Message fields

  1. In the Title field, type the title of the message box.
  2. In the Text field, type the text that you want the message box to display.
  3. Click OK.

Create Value of variable Message fields

  1. Specify the details of the field.
    1. In the Title field, type the title of the message box.
    2. In the Prefix field, type the text that you want insert before the value of the variable, if necessary.
    3. In the Postfix field, type the text that you want to insert after the value of the variable, if necessary.
  2. Specify the details of the variable.
    1. In the Name or expression field, type the name of the variable or the expression that defines the value.
    2. In the Value type list, select the type of the value.
      • If the variable is a number, select Number.
      • If the variable is stored as a string, select String.
    3. In the Units field, type the units for the variable.
    4. In the Format list, select the format in which the variable value should be displayed, if necessary.
    5. In the No. of decimal places box, specify the number of decimal places to which the variable value should be displayed.
  3. Click OK.

Create conditional Message fields

  1. Specify the details of the field.
    1. In the Title field, type the title of the message box.
    2. In the Condition field, specify the condition that you want to test in the message box.

      You can specify any of the Tedds for Word logical functions as conditions.

    3. In the Yes field, type the text that will be placed in the message box if the value of the condition is True.
    4. In the No field, type the text that will be placed in the message box if the value of the condition is False.
  2. Click OK.

Create Advanced Message fields

You can create Advanced fields using two different approaches. You can either type directly in the Statement field or use Insert buttons to add variable and condition details in the Statement field. Tedds for Word then evaluates the Statement field to create the Advanced field.


When you create an Advanced Message field, ensure that:

  • All text is surrounded by quotation marks

  • All parts that you want to include in the message box are in the Statement field.

  1. In the Title field, type the title of the message box.
  2. Specify the variable details.
    1. In the Name or expression field, type the name of the variable, or the expression that defines the value of the variable.
    2. In the Value type list, select the type of the value.
      • If the variable is a number, select Number.
      • if the variable is stored as a string, select String.
    3. In the Units field, type the units for the variable.
    4. In the Format list, select the format in which the variable value should be displayed, if necessary.
    5. In the No. of decimal places box, specify the number of decimal places to which the variable value should be displayed.
  3. Click the Insert button next to the No. of decimal places box.
  4. Specify the condition details.
    1. In the Condition field, specify the condition that you want to test in the message box.

      You can specify any of the Tedds for Word logical functions as conditions.

    2. In the Yes field, type the text that will be placed in your calculation if the value of the condition is true.
    3. In the No field, type the text that will be placed in your calculation if the value of the condition is false.
  5. Click the Insert button next to the No field.
  6. Click OK.
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