Data Graph interpolate bar

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Data Graph interpolate bar

The Data Graph interpolate bar contains buttons, text boxes, and list boxes that allow you to modify the Data Graph window. For more information, see the following table:

Data Graph interpolate bar
Button Action Further information

Copy to calcs

returns the variables for the selected item into your document, ready for future use in your calculations.

Return data graph information to your calculations


allows you to insert and calculate values that lie between the values that are displayed in the data graph.

Interpolate data within a data graph

Choose curve

If a graph contains more than one curve, the Choose curve list allows you to select one curve in the list of existing curves.

Select a point in a data graph

X-axis position

displays the position of the current point along the x-axis of the graph. To move a point, type a value in the field.

Note: The label of the field depends on the data that is displayed in the data graph.

Y-axis position

displays the position of the current point along the y-axis of the graph. To move a point, type a value in the field.

Note: The label of the field depends on the data that is displayed in the data graph.

By right-clicking in the Data Graph window, you have access to context-sensitive menus. The context-sensitive menus give you instant access to commands that are relevant to the position of the mouse pointer.

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