Installation and licensing workflow

Tekla Tedds
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Installation and licensing workflow

To use Tekla Tedds, you need to have a license. The installation steps you need to take are different depending on the type of license you have: for server licensing, you need to install additional tools, which are not necessary when using online licenses.

Click to expand the section relevant to you and follow the links in the text for detailed instructions.

Tekla Tedds license types

Tekla Tedds cannot be used without a valid license. There are two types of license: online and server*

  • An online license is connected to your Trimble Identity. The license is delivered directly to the Tekla Online Admin tool, where your company's Tekla Online account administrators can assign the online licenses to individual users. When Tekla Tedds starts, you log in to Trimble's cloud to reserve your license.

  • If you have a server license, you need to install a license server on your computer or on a separate server in your internal network. Tekla Tedds connects to your local license server to check your license.

*Local and local USB legacy licenses are still supported, but are no longer available as new purchases.

If you manage your own installation of Tekla Tedds

Note: To ensure a good experience using our software, make sure your computer meets the Tekla Tedds 2022 hardware recommendations .

If your organization has no main user who manages Tekla Tedds for you, your installation proceeds like this:

  1. Make sure you have your Trimble Identity set up:

    1. If you have received an email invitation from Trimble to create a Trimble Identity, follow the instructions in the email to create your account to ensure you have the correct access rights.

      If you wish to use a different email address for this account, create the account using your invitation first and then change the email address.

    2. If you have not received an invitation, you can create a new Trimble Identity to download the software. Click here to create a new Trimble Identity.

      To have access to your online licenses, you must be added to an organization group in Tekla Online by your organization's account administrator.

  2. If you have a new account, Log in at, fill in all the required profile information, and click Save.

  3. Download the installation package for Tekla Tedds from Tekla Downloads. At the site, click Download for a guided experience that ensures you have all necessary files.

  4. If you have an online license, install the software:

    • Run the Tekla Tedds installer and make sure the installation finishes successfully.

      See Install and license Tekla Tedds if you need more detailed instructions.

    • After you have completed the Tekla Tedds installation, you can now start Tekla Tedds
  5. If you have a server license, install the software:
  6. Start learning how to use Tekla Tedds:

If someone manages Tekla Tedds for you

If your organization has a Tekla Tedds administrator (IT administrator or main user), you should follow their instructions for installation and licensing. You may still need to consider the following points:

  • You need an account to access Tekla online services and online licenses. If your administrator has not invited you to your organization and assigned online licenses to you, ask to join so that you have access to all Tekla online services and licenses:

    Click here to create a new Trimble Identity

  • In most cases, your Tekla Tedds administrator will prepare an installation package for you or install the software for you. Ask your administrator for further instructions.

Start learning how to use Tekla Tedds:

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