Mult and nest materials with Steel Projects PLM

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Mult and nest materials with Steel Projects PLM

You can use Steel Projects PLM to mult and nest materials outside Tekla PowerFab. You can also export cut lists from Tekla PowerFab to Steel Projects PLM.

Set up Tekla PowerFab to work with Steel Projects PLM

  1. Click the Maintenance ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Integration Settings > Steel Projects.
  3. In the Steel Projects Settings, select the Enable Steel Projects Integration checkbox.
  4. If you want to allow Steel Projects PLM to reserve material to a job that does not exist in Tekla PowerFab, select the Allow Nests without a Tekla PowerFab Job checkbox.
  5. Click Save.
  6. If you use Tekla PowerFab Go, we recommend that you create an external user.

    For detailed instructions, see Add, modify, and delete external users.

  7. Give the external user the necessary remote permissions.

    For detailed instructions, see Manage remote user permissions.

  8. Ensure that the Tekla PowerFab Remote Server is running.

Note that you still need to set up Steel Projects PLM to work with Tekla PowerFab. For detailed instructions, see the Steel Projects PLM documentation.

Send a work order to Steel Projects PLM

A work order is a nesting or multing request. A work order contains the CNC files to be cut, and the available and orderable inventory on which you can nest materials.

  1. Open a combining, estimating, or production control job, a requisition, or a purchase order.
  2. Click the contextual ribbon tab.

    For example, if you are working on a combining job, click the Combining ribbon tab.

  3. On the menu, select Combine.
  4. In the Select Combining Run dialog box, click a desired combining option to select it.
    The options are:
    • Mult: combines linear items, like beams and angles.
    • Nest: combines items that have area, like plates or gratings.
    • Mult & Nest: combines all items.
  5. In the lower-left corner of the Combining Run Filters dialog box, click Optimizations.
  6. Depending on which items will be combined, do one or both of the following:
    • On the Mult Settings - Linear Material tab, set Multing Software to SteelProjects.
    • On the Plate Nesting Settings tab, set Plate Nesting Software to SteelProjects.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To combine the materials, click the Mult, Nest, or Mult and Nest button at the bottom of the Combining Run Filters dialog box.

    In the Combining Run Results dialog box, all parts show as not combined.

  9. Click Save Combining Run.
  10. Click the Combining Run ribbon tab.
  11. On the menu, select Export Parts for Nesting > Export to Steel Projects.
  12. In the Export Parts for Combining dialog box, adjust the settings according to your needs:
    • To include existing inventory materials in the export, select the Include available inventory checkbox.
    • To include inventory materials that are on order in the export, select the Include orderable inventory.
    • In the CNC Files list, select how you want to include CNC files in the export.
  13. Click Export Parts.

Tekla PowerFab exports the parts to be multed and nested.

You can now open Steel Projects PLM and import the XML file that has been created by Tekla PowerFab. For detailed instructions on multing and nesting parts, see the Steel Projects PLM documentation.

After the parts have been nested in Steel Projects PLM, you can save the nesting results. The results will be automatically imported back to Tekla PowerFab.

If the required material is not available in the Tekla PowerFab inventory, Steel Projects PLM will ask you to create a requisition, which will then appear in the Select Requisition/Purchase Order dialog box.

Export a cut list to Steel Projects PLM

  1. Open a production control job.
  2. In the Select Production Control Job dialog box, select a job and click the Production Control ribbon tab.
  3. On the menu, select Review > Cut Lists.
  4. In the Cut Lists dialog box, click New Cut List.
  5. In the Enter Value dialog box, click the arrow on the right side of the available field, and select the production control job for which you want to create the cut list.

    When you are creating a new cut list, Tekla PowerFab by default filters the items in the new cut list, so that only items that are not yet assigned to a cut list are included.

  6. In the Production Control Purchasing Report Filters dialog box, click Make Report.
  7. In the Report Progress dialog box, click Save Cut List.
  8. In the Save Cut List dialog box, type a description and due date for the cut list.
  9. To allow importing the cut list to Steel Projects PLM, select the Share Cut List checkbox.
  10. Click Save To Cut List.

The cut list appears in the Cut Lists dialog box in Tekla PowerFab. You can now import the cut list to Steel Projects PLM.

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