Delete material dimensions from pricing

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Delete material dimensions from pricing

You can permanently delete unnecessary material dimensions and their pricing information from the pricing database. Note that the dimensions are not automatically deleted from the material database.

  1. In the Shape list of the Pricing Maintenance dialog box, do one of the following:
    • To delete one dimension, select the dimension.

    • To delete all dimensions of a particular grade, select the grade.

    • To delete all dimensions of a particular shape, select the shape.

  2. Below the Shape list, click Delete.
  3. To permanently delete the dimensions and their pricing information from the pricing database, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Note that the dimensions and the material grade need to be separately deleted from the material database. For more information, see Delete dimensions and Add, modify, and delete grades.

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