Filter the order entry information

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Filter the order entry information

You can select which orders and quotes you want to see in the Order Entry dialog box. For example, you may want to view older orders that are hidden in the initial view of the Order Entry dialog box.

  1. At the top of the Order Entry dialog box, click the arrow button on the left side of Filters.

    The Filters section expands.

    If you want to see all orders created in the Order Entry module including the completed orders, select the Show Completed Orders check box on the right side of the Order Entry dialog box.

  2. To apply a new filter, click Set Filters.

    The Order Filters dialog box opens.

  3. Depending on what you want to filter out, click one of the available filter buttons.
  4. Click the arrow buttons to move the items that you want to display to the Included list.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Apply Filter.

The orders and quotes displayed in the Order Entry dialog box are updated to match the filters you set.

To clear the applied filters, close and re-open the Order Entry dialog box.

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