How to handle Tekla Model Sharing accounts when the company name changes

Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures
Not environment-specific

Our company name and our email addresses will change. How do we handle our accounts so that we still have access to our current Tekla Model Sharing models?

There are different steps depending on the situation for the company name change:

Only the name changes

If only the company name changes, follow these steps to continue using your current models:

  1. Ask your local Tekla support to change the company name for your existing Tekla Online organization.
  2. Update the users’ email addresses in their current Trimble Identities. Be careful not to create a new account!
    • Most users can change their own email addresses in their Trimble Identity. Instruct the users to change their own email addresses. For instructions, see How do I change my email address?
    • For users who have a federated identity or an identity that uses multi-factor authentication, the account administrator must update the email addresses.

Two companies merge

If one company merges with another company, the combined company chooses one existing organization that all users will belong to after the merge. Organization membership changes for users who belong to the other organization. Ownership of Tekla Model Sharing models and Tekla Warehouse content that belong to the other organization must also be changed.

For example, if company Alpha buys company Beta, users in the Beta organization must be added to the Alpha organization. Ownership of Tekla Model Sharing models and Tekla Warehouse content that belong to the Beta organization must also be transferred to the Alpha organization.

  1. Choose one existing organization that all users will belong to.
  2. Ask your local Tekla support to transfer ownership of Tekla Model Sharing models and Tekla Warehouse content that belong to the other organization to the organization that will be used after the merge.
  3. The administrator of the organization that will be used after the merge invites the users from the other organization to join the organization in the Tekla Online Admin Tool.
  4. The users or the administrator update the email addresses of the users who join the organization that will be used after the merge in their current Trimble Identities. Be careful not to create a new account!
    • Most users can change their own email addresses in their Trimble Identity. Instruct the users to change their own email addresses. For instructions, see How do I change my email address?
    • For users who have a federated identity or an identity that uses multi-factor authentication, the account administrator must update the email addresses.
  5. Tekla backend support moves the other organization’s shared models to the organization that is used after the merge so that organization’s administrator can manage the models in the Management Console for Tekla Model Sharing.
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