User roles in Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Model Sharing

User roles in Tekla Model Sharing

User roles define a user's permission level to the model. When you start sharing your model in Tekla Model Sharing , you become the Owner of the model. The Owner can invite other users and give them one of the four different roles.

Note that your permission to the shared model is removed when you detach the model from the sharing using one the following methods:

  • using the Exclude from sharing command

  • upgrading to the next Tekla Structures version

  • using the Save as command to save the model.

The four different user roles in Tekla Model Sharing are Owner , Editor , Project viewer and Viewer.

Role Access level

As an Owner you can

  • read in other users' changes and write out your own changes to the sharing service

  • invite new users

  • list other users and change their roles

  • remove users from the model

  • remove the model instance and all the model related data from the sharing service

  • change the model code and description properties

As an Owner you can select the roles when you invite users to a shared model, or any time during a project. If you change the role of a user in File > Sharing > Users , you can send a notification e-mail to the user. If you include a short message in the e-mail, all the invited users and the users whose role has been changed receive the same message.

Several users can have the Owner role within one model. The Owner who has started to share the model can give the Owner role to any selected user.

As an Editor you can

  • read in other users' changes and write out your own changes to the sharing service

  • edit the model

  • list other users

As a Project viewer you can

  • read in other users' changes and write out your own changes to the sharing service

  • view the model but you cannot modify the model objects

  • list other users

With the Project viewer role you cannot

  • modify user-defined attributes that affect numbering

  • insert and modify grids

  • import and update models that would create, for example, beams and other objects

Note that when you open the model in the Project viewer role, Tekla Structures restart is required.

The permission level of the Project viewer role in a shared model corresponds with the set of functionalities available in the Project Viewer configuration.

As a Viewer you can

  • read in other users' changes but you cannot write out any changes to the sharing service

  • view the model but you cannot modify the model objects

Note that when you open the model in the Viewer role, Tekla Structures restart is required.

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