How multi-user works

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

How multi-user works

The multi-user model consists of a single master model. Each user can access this model and open their own local view of the model. This local view is called a working model. The above image shows one possible configuration of the multi-user system.

Any changes a user makes to his working model are local and are not visible to other users until he saves the working model to the master model.

The multi-user system can contain several client computers , where users work on their working models. The master model can be located anywhere on the network, including any of the client computers.

When you open a multi-user model on a client computer, Tekla Structures makes a copy of the master model to the memory of the client computer (a working model).

When you click Save to save your working model back to the master model, Tekla Structures :

  1. Takes a new copy of the master model and compares your working model with it.

  2. Saves the changes in your working model to the copy of the master model (locally).

  3. Saves this copy back to the master model. (When other users save their working models, they can now see your changes.)

  4. Takes a new copy of the master model and saves it locally as your working model. (You can see your own changes and those uploaded by other users.)

The multi-user model is locked during opening, saving and numbering. When one of the users performs any of these operations, other users cannot perform them during that time.

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