Interoperability improvements

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Interoperability improvements

Tedds 2022 features a number of improvements to interoperability.

Tekla Tedds Integrator

The Tekla Tedds Integrator which can be downloaded from the Tekla Warehouse allows Tedds documents to be linked to Tekla Structures models. You can link existing documents or create new documents which you or other Tekla Structures users can then easily modify or review during your BIM workflow.

Integration with Tekla Structural Designer

Tekla Structural Designer integrates with Tedds to allow you to design specific structural elements in your Tekla Structural Designer models. Seamless integration transfers the design forces to the appropriate Tedds calculation where you can check and refine your design, the final properties for the elements will then be updated in the Tekla Structural Designer model.

Recent improvements have significantly increased the speed of these integrated design calculations.

Trimble Connect

Tekla Tedds integrates with Trimble Connect, for construction project collaboration on desktop, mobile and web. Store your Tedds documents or publish PDF documentation in the cloud using Trimble Connect for effective project collaboration on all your projects.

Tedds 2022 includes a new Trimble Connect Project Explorer window which allows you to publish and share your completed documentation at the click of a button.

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